42- The Phone Call

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This book is a Mystery Romance, if some haven't figured out already. It'll also move a little faster from now on.

Started Typing On – 24/08/2019

Chapter 42- The Phone Call

Siya's Pov:

Dating someone was a big no-no in my family. It was never a direct order from my parents—father but he did slide into the conversation very cleverly by being indirect. There were days I'd want to just spit it out, 'why aren't you being straight forward?' but I kept my calm, deciding to follow the tradition of 'respect elders,' no matter how annoying they can get at times.

I do feel guilty because I did exactly the opposite to what my father wished. I dated Harsh. And then no one. I ran away. What could top my guilt list? Dating another guy? Perhaps. What took me off guard was Rohan being the guy.

I remember a few weeks ago he hated my guts and now he's willing to ask me out on a date. Yes, going for one coffee date or tea in my case doesn't mean we're girlfriend and boyfriend but we're heading there. I think of all the negative reasons to reject him. Again. But I couldn't bring myself to blur it out.

Even if I had rejected him with a good explanation it doesn't mean my parents would take me back. I'd still be the girl who brought shame in their life. I didn't think a lot before dating Harsh then why'd I think over Rohan so much? So I say yes. He's been nice. Also the only person I'm talking to right now. Whether something sparks between us or not, at least I'd feel relief consuming me knowing he knows the real me.

It was the second to last day on our trip when we all were heading back home. One day left in Pune. And then I'd go back to my home. Small home somewhere in Delhi. My bag slung around my shoulder, bouncing as my shoes slapped onto the crooked footpath. The sky was painted in charcoal, giving me the chills.

The others walked ahead of me. Talking to each other while a few of them were busy talking on their phone. I glance around me to find Rohan but he wasn't around. My thoughts were ready to jump into the worst imagination when he jumps into steps beside me, typing into his phone keyboard furiously. "They are making the remake of the book 'The Girl on the Train.'"

I nod, recalling the article I read about it. "I saw. Why are you so troubled?" I raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

He rolls his eyes, turning his phone of before sliding it into his jeans pocket. "I haven't read the book." He muttered roughly, obviously not too happy about it.

"Order it then?" I somehow lost my confidence in front of him.

"I was trying to do just that but it's out of stock."

"Just watch the Hollywood version first and then the Bollywood once it releases—" I pause, tilting my head slightly in confusion but more self-consciously. "Is something wrong with my hair? My clothes—" I glance down, straightening my already straight clothes in a hurry. "My fac—" I start to touch my face, secretly hoping something was wrong.

"No." Rohan answers quickly after seeing my uneasy and clearly bothered actions and expressions. "What's wron—"

"I'm going to go." And I rush out. Tightening my hold onto my bag, pushing my way through Aarushi, Neetu and Tara with my eyes on the floor because I couldn't bear their gossiping looks my way. I admit. It was getting to me. I couldn't hear them but their nasty and unpleasing expressions made me feel so vulnerable and cheap.

"Siy—" I hear Rohan yell behind me but I block it away, focusing on my tracks. I need to call Viren. And I do just that. Climbing up into the ladder, standing under the cold weather in the darkness I sit on the terrace concrete as I dial his number. He picks up in the fifth bell. "Bhai." (Brother) I breath out, exhausted inside out.

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