84- Rohan's Matrimonial Profile

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The remaining chapters of this book are comical in every aspect; kindly do not take it seriously and if it does sound serious in any context please do let me know.

Started Typing On – 15/05/2020

Chapter 84- Rohan's Matrimonial Profile

"Hello," Varun's uplifting voice greets Rohan and Siya.

Rohan gives his friend a cult nod—for the sake of it—while his wife clutches her purse and storms out of the parking lot with a grim face. Varun's mouth turns into a 'o' in recognition and a little dazed. Rohan sighs, merely shaking his head, exhausted between his mother and wife.

"She needs a new purse," Varun always has the most stupidest and random things to say in serious situations. Bhatt glances at his friend in annoyance and perplexed and follows his eyes on her purse. It was begging to be replaced. "I think she's not going to let it go until the poor thing delivers into—"

Rohan's mouth tastes like vinegar. He winces. Standing beside his friend he gazes the exit where his wife was a few minutes ago. "Can we not use the word delivery?" He pleads. Eyes heavy. He stifles a yawn.

Varun thinks for a minute. Expressions thoughtfully as if considering and giving Rohan's request a chance. "Okay. How about, produce?" His voice has a sense of humour and then it shifts into a sharp entertained laughter looking at Rohan's scrunched up face, muttering a, 'Oh gosh, no.' "Trouble in paradise?" He slams his hand on his shoulders.

"Well—" he pauses. Debating to conclude. "—there is no paradise because my mother's busy destroying the plan before I can even execute it. So, I'm—" He fists his hand into a ball, brings it close to his chest and drags it back thrice with a shake.

Varun gives him a theatrical gasp touching his cheeks. Face horror. "Pretty graphical there, mate. Needed a little heads up. Warning, you heard? It's pretty useful before throwing explicit gesture—" His chatty voice is pissing him off. Why can't I feel the same way today?

Rohan shoves him back causally. He thrusts his bike key inside his pants pocket and starts taking long strides ahead. "There was nothing graphical about that. If it was, Siya would kill me." He snarls. "I'm stuck between my mother and my wife. I'm warning you, take my free advice, and do not get married. It's a waste of time and money."

His friend falls into step beside him. Giving a frosty glance at Rohan. "You want me—" he points at himself, expressing his interest in the conversation. "—to not have a taste of mango while you've tasted it—hold on, let me finish. You'll have your chance to retort." Varun says like a bossy arrogant teacher as Rohan opens his mouth to interrupt him. "—okay, where was I? Yes, mangos."

"That does not sound very nice." Rohan shakes his head. "Why're we talking so formally?" He realizes.

"I quite like-sounding formal. Makes me believe I'm stern and—creative or—or rich." His friend's eyes are dreamy. "Anyways, let's continue." He drapes his arm around Rohan's shoulder, bringing him along with him. "You've tastes mangos and you want me to settle with bananas? Not fair, pal."

Mangos. Siya mentioned the fruit this morning. God. Why does Varun have to use all the same terms Rohan's heard this morning? His mouth is doing the job of a salt. "Why're we referring my marriage to fruits?"

"Because I like fruits." Varun grins ear to ear.

The cheeky smile turns Rohan's mood off. "Great. Now I don't like mangos or bananas." He shrugs Varun's arm around his shoulder and walks off exhaling.

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