3 - House Visit

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Started Typing On – 09/04/2019

Chapter 3- House Visit

Author's Pov:

The hungry women glances down at her wallet resting by the kitchen sink and then looks at the nearly empty fridge with no food. Shit. She cruses in her head closing her eyes being disappointed and careless at her own self. Picking up her wallet she opens it up to see only hundred rupees. She needed the money for the bus tomorrow, her house was fairly far away from her workplace. Walking could be an option but sometimes you just want to sit and reach your destination without a lot of hassle.

Why did I waste two rupees on that tea? She winces in sadness looking around for something to eat. She left her red wallet near the sink and took out one bread she had left. Using small amount of butter on it for taste she shoved it onto her mouth and chews it down quickly walking out the kitchen. "It's ok, one bread is enough for today, and if I'm hungry I can drink wat— shit!" She drops her half eaten bread on the plate and looks to see she forgot to fill up the water today.

She lived in a cheap rental house with one small bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. The water wasn't available twenty-four-seven, either you wake up at 6 AM every morning and fill up your buckets or water bottle, or live without water and she had to do just that.

"I hate life." She could either waste her important time by doing nothing or go to her neighbour's house and ask for some water but doesn't know many people around her. The only time she's at home if after work or on her day off. "Only few hours, I'm sure I can manage." She knows she can't compromise with food but she needs money in emergency for the bus for tomorrow morning. She gets her monthly salary tomorrow, maybe that's why she's ready to sleep with a grumbly stomach tonight.

She uses her phone flashlight to guild her into her room without bumping into the walls. Some bulbs work in the house. Like the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The one in her living room doesn't and she hardly sits in her small useless living room and neither anyone visits her so she doesn't want to waste money on a useless bulb.

She flicks her small bedrooms light on and sits on the bed before closing the curtain so nobody can look inside. She opens up her purse sitting on her bed and goes through her notes and to-do-list to see she's supposed to hand the reports over to Harsh tomorrow morning at nine am. "Bappa." (Indian God name) she screams burying her head on her palms.

"If you need any help do ask Rahul, he'll come in handy." Siya remembered Harsh's advice. "No. He will not come handy, my head will come handy in his palms." She says to herself looking down at the design reports.

She doesn't know why Rahul dislikes her. He ignores her at work whenever she smiles politely. He changes his path if he sees her walking by because she doesn't stop blabbering and it irritates the hell out of him. He also thinks she's immature because she says things from her heart without thinking of the consequence. He still remembers Siya's words at a trip they all had with Harsh and his wife Neha and a couple of their friends, "I'm Siya, Harsh's ex." Rahul thinks either she's dumb or she is dumb. So she could just be cunning trying to create problems between Neha and Harsh.

But how does Siya explain Rahul that she's just a chatter box, she doesn't realise when she says something unnecessary. Just like today she nearly ended up giving her address to the tea boy. It irritates him, she knows he isn't a fan of her but she doesn't understand what she had ever done to him.

"Ok. I need his help." She accepts after a few minutes of gazing down at the reports. She didn't have as much experience or talent as Rahul did. He's been working in design industry for longer than her, maybe that's why Harsh had asked her to approach Rahul for help. She goes through her email to see an email sent back and forth between three people related to the office work. Varun, Rahul and herself. Siya scrolled to Rahul's PDF he had sent over to Varun and herself and gets his number just below his name.

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