20- 'Are You This Innocent, Rahul?'

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I promise it gets funnier towards the end.  Also! Rahul's Ma's in this chapter :)

Started Typing On – 10/06/2019

Chapter 20- 'Are You This Innocent, Rahul?'

Rahul's Pov:

What bothers me now is—standing inside Mary's house—that the birthday girl might not be so happy spotting me among the other friends of hers. Personally, I wouldn't be happy seeing myself either. I can't pretend to like someone, though, I feel the opposite. The other major part which makes me sweat but I try to act cool and normal is Ma.

I wasn't invited to the birthday party but Varun said Mary has allowed to bring a friend along, so he brought me, the plan was made last minute leaving me no time to fetch a gift for the arrogant girl. And as my Ma is, just hearing the word 'female' brightens her mood so much, her old facial expressions change into such a wonderful and soothing glow as if Jack Dowson from Titanic came back to life.

I just wonder what she's placed inside that gift box I'm currently holding in my hand like a sales man. Neeta comes along to our mini group of guy friends, smiling as she approaches us and leans in for a hug. She's a friend, I suppose. Hard-working, talented, sweet and doesn't interfere in someone's life. We don't meet outside of work but every time we spoke she's been great to have a meaningful conversation with.

Thank god Ma doesn't know she exists.

The bumper is she works on the upper floor and I'm stuck with that Minion, Siya. I returns the hug, glad to see Neeta around outside of work. My eyes wonder around after a while of speaking, around to spot someone else I may know because Varun was chatting along others and I remained silent since the topic was about someone wedding.

I hated that word.

I wanted an escape from these marriage chats when I spot Siya. Minion stood there, here hair open into a beach wave, going hand in hand with her face. She was gazing back at me but ripped her eyes away from me the second she was caught red handed. I stare back, emotionless, a frown forming on the temple.

For a second—nothing big—I had trouble figuring out it's her. I've always seen her following tight dress-code of white shirt and blue jeans. And of course, that black plain bag she hugs to herself everywhere she goes like she's got a gun inside it for her protection. She needs to shop a little more. I remember her using the same bag that day at the supermarket.

But today, she didn't wear jeans or shirt. It was a black printed woven maxi dress with red floral patterns. The neck was round, giving away her collar-bone to view, the sleeves were short, graced by her thin arms. She looked nice. It didn't show skin. Not that I care if it had but the dress covered her legs until her ankle paired with simple black heels. Yet, she looked beautiful.

Until she does something stupid. Like just now. I know she feels my captive gaze on her. It frightens her, makes her nervous because her fingers tremble as she places the cup back onto the table Mary had set-up. She shakes her head, talking to Payal, acting like everything fine because her chin quivers like she's trying to keep her calm and act graceful. She didn't feel that. My stare was effecting her.

She waves her hand at Payal, behaving—or trying to look—calm. I see the way she signals something to Payal and walks out the house, her footsteps so fast, she stumbles into Vin but passes a small sorry—from the way her lips move and common sense, I'm guessing she apologised—and exits the house.

"Rahul, my man, here is great at painting, maybe he could paint you something." I look over my shoulder to see Varun's hand placed on my shoulder. I'm puzzled. I was standing right next to him, when did I move forward? He gave me a –flirt-back- look and I swear I want to shout at him.

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