78 - Cardio Workout

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Started Typing On – 13/04/2020

Chapter 78 – Cardio Workout

"Siya, Siya, Siya," He calls behind her to gain her attention. Siya keeps her eyes trained on her room number to ignore him. "Look—I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mea—" She steps into the room and chucks her sling bag on the bed.

Typed Again On – 14/04/2020

"You were exceptionally rude." She fumes raising her hands in the air and then drops them flat. "And what cardio workout, huh?" As if to look intimidating she folds her arms across her chest, glaring at him.

Guilt washes over him. "I didn—"

"You're not getting any cardio—"

Typed Again On – 17/04/2020

"What?" He full-throatily inquires, challenging and somehow seeking to be proven wrong. "You're not going to take my irresponsible behaviour in account for our future, are you?" His voice shrinks to hollow.

Her expressions change briskly. First her lips are tightly lipped—as if she's just put on a lipstick—and eyes shut, controlling her rage. Then her mouth parts to blow some much needed air and eyebrows draw together like she's tired. Of not him but herself.

She just hangs her head down—in shame—eyes casted on her shoes. Shoulders tensed but drop down in heaviness. "Siya." He calls out—now standing in front of her but same expressions as his wife—"Fine. I accept I was a little pissed because of them. I mean, come on, he hand his hands all over my camera screen." He exclaims horrifyingly with a loud dramatic voice. "I paid for that thing." He points at the camera hanging around her neck.

A smile stretches and expands widely on her face. Siya punches his abdomen a little, "I think he was fascinated." She mutters. "They're the only common couple I've seen around otherwise everyone's so posh and self-centred."

Rohan scoffs mockingly flopping on the bed. "He considers me to be a watchman. Let's talk about that, shall we?"

Siya controls her laughter for a good whole minutes but finally gives up the battle. "I think it's because you're so rigid and stone faced sometime—I was only jok—" she was smart enough to switch her words and sentences quickly but not as quick as Rohan when he throws a pillow on her face.

"I'm not stoned face." Rohan enthuses with a pulled brow.  Siya picks the pillow from the floor and attacks him with it. Telling him how awful he is for first ruining her hair and now slapping her face with a pillow.

Rohan dodges the hits rolling around the bed before falling in the end. Siya doesn't laugh but worries, "are you okay?" She grabs a hold of his arm—still sitting on the bed—and pulls him up.

"I blame that Arjun for all of this," he shrieks wiping his imaginary dust of his hoodie.

Siya rolls her eyes, "Now where did he come from?"

"Your neighbour village, right?" He smirks.

"Very funny, City Boy." Siya snits freely with a twitching smiling.

He stares into her eyes—seeking for truthful answer—and a meaningful full conversation. "Do you ever look back into the past and wonder—comprehend that you'd already lost someone without giving much thought to it until now?"

Siya gives a smug small smile, the one that says 'what's expecting that but okay' and settles on the bed properly facing him. "I could have mentioned my grandma but she never liked me and—let's just say I felt the same way about her." She awkwardly puts her hand under her thighs as if digesting some bitter and painful memories.

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