87 - Growing Up Together

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Started Typing On 19/12/2020

Chapter 87 - Growing Up Together

"Kya dekh raha hai?" Rohan snarls at Varun. (What are you looking at?)

Varun shifts uncomfortably in his chair beside Rohan. He zips his lips shut and scratches the back of his head. Legs bouncing. "Look, Rohan, I'm—I—" from the corner of his eyes, Bhatt can see his friends cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. "—I'm really sorry. I swear I am."

When Varun see's Rohan making no move to accept the apology, he quickly adds without breathing, "I swear on food. My favourite food."

Bhatt breaks into an amused grin. A cheeky grin, astonished that his silence or perhaps anger could make someone—especially a foodie like Varun—go to such extent to ask for forgiveness.

He continues typing but takes his left hand of the keyboard to clasp it on Varun's right shoulder. "It's okay." His voice is chilly, the nice kind of chillness.

Varun's face forms into a bright smile in delight but then scrunches his nose for conformation. "Really? You forgave me? This quick?" This is a big shocker for him.

Rohan nods, eyes trained on this computer screen. Fingers typing and clicking rapidly. "Email me the PDF of files NF202." His tone is back to professionalism. Measured, serious but kind too. A while later he mumbles, "your Bhabhi spoke to me. Explained you and Ma were only looking out for me. Been a while since someone looked out for me, forgot how I'm supposed to react." (Sister-in-law)

And that was true. He'd always portrayed himself as 'Mr Okay,' or 'Mr Fine,' someone who was happy and perfectly alright with his own company and required no help. A mask of 'having it all together,' even when he didn't have anything together.

So this—this gesture by his friend and mother was breathtakingly hard to digest and navigate his feelings. This is where Siya helped him.

"I've forwarded the file." Varun says after a moment. His voice isn't like the usual upbeat and frank, but sophisticated. The work ethic kind of sophisticated, no arrogance or playfulness but neutral. "Hey, man," he gently touches Rohan's elbow with his knuckles.

"Hmm." He hums. Eyes fully scanning the designs on his screen. "What if I add another layer on top? A faded on over the black?"

Varun swiftly glances at his colleague's screen and nods in encouragement, "try it, Boss can decide whether it's worth it or not, as long as the idea's on the table, it's good. Shows you care." Boss, meaning Yug.

Rohan mutters a 'true.' "You were asking me something?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah." He chuckles at his forgetfulness. "Do you ever wonder how strange life is? Like one day you don't know someone, the next you do, and then you find your whole world in them? Friendship or relationship, anything really. You can't look at people around you and expect to become their friend, best friend or partner. From formal 'Hello's' to greeting with hugs or tickles, and 'missed me?'"

Rohan thinks about it for a second. Then another long second. Then minutes. A peaceful and comforting silence stretching between two friends. Whatever Varun said had so much truth and meaning behind it though.

He remembers when he first saw Siya it wasn't love at first sight or appreciation or anything. She just existed. Siya was just another young lady he met. Met. He only met her, never got to know her until nearly a year ago.

If Rohan was to sincerely accept his initial perspective on Siya it'll be, 'just another young woman.' Or 'another friends friend and colleague.' And it later turned into strong hatred—or dislike—after coming into terms with her past history with Harsh. It made no sense why she'd be willing to work under an ex-boyfriend, it never made any sense until he got to know her.

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