8- Alike

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Started Typing On – 19/04/2019

Chapter 8- Alike

Author's Pov:

They were walking down the stairs with a long comfortable yet a little uncomfortable silence when Siya decided to break it, "do you think mother-in-law's are vamps like they show in TV shows? You know like those rude, angry faced old and--" she looked to her right, her eyes boring into his face to see the most exasperated look she's even seen taking over his face.

"N-no, n-no, I didn't mean that." Siya quickly said, gulping down seeing the man besides her looking like he's ready to murder her with his bare hands. Of course she meant that. "I mean, obviously I meant that but your own mother would become a mother-in-law one day so explains why you'r---" Her voice trails off noticing his footsteps aren't moving anymore. He stood beside her on the stairs, all quiet and still like a statue but the temper was slacking off from his tensed muscle. "—going to take her side." She whispered just to complete her sentence.

His jaw clenched and his hands fisted into a ball as if he's ready to jump into the streets and fight with goons. His eyes weren't looking at her but the dark brown eyeballs were staring down at his feet like he was trying to control himself to not say something aggressive or hurtful to her.

Siya starts to awkwardly chuckle, her chuckle even abandoned her midway noticing the heated atmosphere. "E-even my Amma will be a mother-in-law." It was true, her elder brother would get married someday. Maybe this years. Without her presence. I will go. He won't get married without his only sister's presence. He won't. He can't. She felt herself drowning into her own sadness, of the pain which was too deep to hide. At this moment she just couldn't let herself break down in front of Rahul. "That makes both of our mother's vamps." She whispered a little louder and giggled imagining her mother running behind Siya, ready to slap her daughter for calling her vamp but she wasn't here.

"Do you ever use this?" Siya looked up and saw Rahul pushing his finger roughly onto his head, asking her if she ever uses her brain before speaking or not. His annoyed and on the verge of losing his temper voice had greeted her and she lost her balance slipping onto the next stair but didn't fall, thankfully from the help of the wall.

"Or just this?" Rahul pointed at his lips and Siya had a tough time to control her eyes trying to roll at his comment.

"Doesn't everyone use it?" She whispered, answering back.

"Excuse me, Miss Joshi?"

"Doesn't everyone use their mouth to talk and eat, Mr Bhatt? Do we need to go through the most basic body parts which are preferably used the most? For example, hands which come along with fing--" She gives him the equally annoyed look and raises her hand up to show him her fingers but he cuts her off.

"No, hands come with toes! Of course, fingers come along with hands, what are you?" She parted her lips, dropping her hands to the side to answer his irrelevant question but he raises his palms. "Don't bother answering my question, your answer doesn't change my view on your personality."


It hurt her. Very much. He didn't know her enough to come to a conclusion and start hating or disliking her. He hadn't seen her whole timeline since a kid till an adult, he knew nothing yet it was so easy and fast to judge someone so quickly without caring about their feelings. The worst part was she'd see him. Six days a week for hours. And in those six days they'll most likely stumble upon each other or have to work together.

She couldn't even give him the satisfaction of staying away from him, it was too difficult to when their fate was connected through work.

She doesn't understand why but she says something she knows she'll highly regret in future. But she admires his straight forward attitude, in this big world with so many fake people she met someone who didn't act super sweet or tried to butter someone up for promotion or to look nice, he was so honest about everything. "A lot of people do, Sir." She whispered, smiling. He wasn't stupid to not catch the hint of pain behind her smile. It was like she forced herself not to break. "A lot of people hate me, you're just one of them."

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