45- The Date

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Started Typing On – 09/09/2019

Chapter 45- The Date

Author's Pov:

The sun rose early but she hadn't woken up. Siya stayed up late last night calling her brother asking for forgiveness but he didn't answer. He was pretty stern the last time they spoke about his no further interest of staying in touch with his little sister. But Siya being herself—restless—she tried again and again, she couldn't hold herself to follow his instructions.

Rohan parked his bike inside the society and started to walk towards Siya's house. His gaze held this different shine today. He was happy. In a mood where you could ask him for his life and he'd give it to you. Everything was going perfectly in his life and he expected the same with Siya.

He smiled at everyone who walked past, unaffected by the straight lines he's seen on people's face, he was too cheerful to care. He huffed out air, looking down at his black jeans, he angled his forarm in front of himself to see if his white shirt is still clean giving him a fresh look.

He'd waken up early today. Extra early to groom himself in the best possible way. He was clean shaven, and dare Siya mutter, old Giraffe, to him after seeing how freshly and brightly his clean skin looked. Nothing hidden by his light beard and sometimes stubble. His hair was gelled back like teenage boys, it made him look a bit immature in the best way possible.

"I look fine." He repeated the phrase again and again to himself before knocking on Siya's door. His smile was beaming in joy—just how he felt—and covered his whole face, like Siya liked. His eyes were wide open—an open gate to his beaming cheerful-self which he very much loved and intended Siya to like too.
Started Typing Again On 23/09/2019

A small knock cracked over her wooden brown door, alarming around her small living room and lightly fluttered close to her bedroom and bathroom but Siya was too deep in her sleep to hear it. A crease sits in between his dark eyebrows, he gazed at the door like it was Siya, his face holding a disquietude look.

A light easy with a hint of aggression knock bubbles in the house and this time Siya stirs into her sleep. She puts her head under the pillow without much effort and groans at the noise.

Huffing and blowing out some air in desperation to see her face he calls out a little lighter, "Siya?" No response. He stays standing. His back slightly slacking now from the lack of response he was getting but he straightened up in hope to see her opening the door and compliment him on his looks. Because he tried to look his best.

Worry sinks over and around his ribcage like metal belt crushing his bones. He crinkles in his spot, all sorts of possible scenarios building up inside his head on why she's not opening the door. He started feeling unhappy and uneasy all of a sudden. Dialling her number he held it close to his ear. It didn't ring. Her phone was switched off.

"Siya! Are you there?" This times he knocks harder, rather bangs the door harder. Once, twice and thrice, ignoring all the wincing noises he heard by the neighbours in annoyance. "Siya!" His three white pale knuckles touch the door again and again until she turns up.

While Rohan was dressed to impress, Siya looked like she wanted nothing more than sleep. She doesn't even notice it's him until her eyes crack open after she yawned out as the sun shone behind—and above—Rohan.

It took her a good few seconds to realize it was Sunday. The day Rohan and her were meant to have coffee—their date. "Hi." Despite the sleep hanging loosely around her, her voice was fairly glad to see him and her eyes sparkling which hid her brown orbs because every time she smiles they became small.

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