49-Spilled The Beans

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Typed On- 12/10/2019

Chapter 49-Spilled The Beans

Today she wasn't thinking about her brother not answering her calls. The idea was put on rest for a while. Siya makes sure all the windows are closed before she steps out of her house and locks the door shut. Her hand adjusts the purse strap, busy with her own work when Saif walks over to her with his school bag.

"He-hello." He stutters from behind.

Siya turns and smiles, ruffling his hair and crouches down to his height. "Morning." She looks over his shoulder and frowns, "Your Ammi is at work?" He nods oblivion to how unsafe it could be leaving a seven year old kid walking all alone every day of the week.

Her lips purse in a thin annoyed line. "Come, let's walk." She interlocks their hands, walking ahead with a lighter mood today. The air around her was fresh and cooling.

"Y-Yo-You are h-h-happy?"

Typed Again On – 21/10/2019

The boy looked a little suspicious. As if seeing a happy Siya was a crime or forbidden. She noticed his expressions pulled up and scrunched unpleasingly that it made her feel cold all of a sudden. Why does he look unhappy about it? She let go of his hand gently, making sure not to jerk it away and wrapped them around her shoulders, letting her palms warmth embrace her.

She looks down at him. Her expressions unreadable but a little dull but he was too little to understand or read it. "Yes. I am. Is it a bad thing?" His answer suddenly meant a lot to her. Like his one tiny response and her mood could take a U-turn.

His gaze flows into the dirty floor, watching his feet as they moved ahead. Then Saif scratches his head like he's trying to remember something or feels bad for speaking out something which she may have not liked. His voice was lower, a mere whisper which she doesn't catch, "he was looki—lo-looking in y-your wi-w-window."

"Saif, beta (child) I can't hear you, speak loude—Rohan." Her eyes were midway looking at Saif as well as looking around to find some other children walking to school so Saif could go along with them safely since Rohan had suggested to pick her up. This is when she noticed him parking his bike in the side.

He held his helmet in his right hand since it was useless to leave it on his bike because he'd have to wear it again in a few seconds. He approaches with such enthusiasm that the breath gushes out of Siya. His face hardly shone with a grin but a scowl, though, today, however, he looked on top of the moon.

Neatly worn white shirt, his navy blue tie rightly adjusted around the collar—not too tight or too lose—paired with blue work pants. His hair was wet but weren't dripping which was good for his shirt. Rohan walked over with lighter and happier footsteps, his eyes glued on Siya but then drifted to the boy standing beside her.

"Morning." He passes a corner smile to Siya but his eyes remain on the boy. Observing Siya nearly face palmed herself. She introduced the two males to each other. Where Rohan greeted a 'hello' in English, Saif greeted back in his Urdu language. Rohan's brow knitted up. "Do you think I upset him?" He asked once Saif had left.

Siya sat behind him with a quizzical, her hands rested on his shoulder as he starts to drive into the busy road. "Why would you think of that?"

He shrugs barely saying anything further on to help her understand what he meant.  Rohan didn't find it necessary to talk about or stretch the conversation more. A part of him felt like the boy didn't like him much or was afraid of men in general.

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