52- Three Girls

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Typed On – 01/11/2019

Chapter 52- Three Girls

Giraffe- I'm reaching soon.

Cramped up in anxiety to finish up her kitchen work before Rohan reached her society, Siya doesn't bother to make tea for herself. She didn't have too long. Possibly ten minutes or so and she still had so much to do. Rohan hated waiting, he had no tolerance in that field so instead she dumped her packed lunchbox in her purse.

Siya was midway walking towards her bathroom to let her unwashed clothes soak into the bucket until she returned back home after work when the knock was heard by her sharp ears. Plucking her hair behind her hair she walked over to the door imagining it'll perhaps be Rohan, early like always.

Instead she was greeted by a shorter height of a girl around twelve. Holding her dark green coloured suit in her hand. Siya's eyes flung wide open. She had completely forgotten about the suit issue last night after coming back home. How did she—the unnamed girl passes the suit into her hand. "It's pressed." She says.

Siya touches the material as if to process everything what was going on and make sure this was her clothes and not some sort of mistake in delivery. "I-I—" her throat went dry. Cramped to talk. "How did you get it?" She finally asks.

"My mother got it. You dropped it off I think." I didn't. "Do you have more clothes that you'll like us to iron?" She shakes her head negatively. "Ok." And the girl runs over to another house with clothes in her hand.

"Did I—" She chews onto her nails in hope of remembrance. Her phone buzzes against her jeans pocket and she flinches visibly. Rohan. Forgetting about her unwashed clothes still not inside the bucket, she flies into the bedroom to get her purse and house keys and walks out the house.

Shutting the door loudly she starts to walk out the society when she sees a nervous and confused looking Ravi wearing completely different clothes from his usual self-walking towards his house while she was walking out. "Morning." She says.

His eyes barely glance at her when he replies, "Morning." In a subtle quiet voice and walks off from her view. Siya was about to turn her head to watch him but Rohan waved at her, waiting for her to climbing behind him.

"Hey," He chirps, smiling happily.

"Hi." Her expressions meet his own.

Typed Again On- 20/11/2019

"I'm not too early, am I?" His dark eyebrows shoot up quizzically.

Siya shakes her head in response with a slight smile. Sitting behind Rohan, her palms flat on his shoulder she looks in the direction of her house. Ravi wasn't there anymore. Of course he wasn't. He'd be inside the house by now. The engine starts with a growl brining her attention back to Rohan.

Building her wisely picked words and placing them into the correct sentences she says lowly, "did I mention something about my clothes being ironed?"

Rohan shakes his head while driving the bike steadily, he then further on says, "never spoke to me about your clothes. Why, did something happen?"

I have been stressing lately. What else could it be? She had a lot in her plate currently with work and personal life which was more about her brother than Rohan. "Just asking." She drops it of then and there, telling—forcing herself to not give it much thought.

Typed Again On – 01/12/2019

There was a flick of thickness in the air around them. Not quite for the same reasons but different. Siya got of the bike before Rohan did and started to exit the parking lot without sparing a glance his way, her brain scattered with confusion on the events happening around her.

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