67- New Start

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Started Typing On – 30/03/2020

Chapter 67- New Start

Siya stands by the bus stand quietly with her luggage in front of her leg and purse clutched around her shoulder. Her hair has grown longer now. It ends three or four inches below her shoulder. It bothers her a lot during winters and washed but it also helps her feel covered and secure.

It was summer in Delhi. Sunny-sunny sun shines above her head but she's wearing a white and black kurta with black leggings and a black coat on. The coat reaches her knees. It old but does the job of keeping her secure of any men's gaze on her. If there were any. But no days it felt as if she's the centre attention of men.

Her hair spread out over her shoulder and feet covered securely. "Hey." She hears a groggy greet from behind her and Siya leaps to run but loses balance because of her luggage sitting in front of her. Thankfully before she could fall he steadily grips onto her forearm. "Siya, it's me. Rohan."

She stills.

He walks in front of her and passes her a small faint friendly smile. "How are you?" His hand reaches to gently tap her on the forearm like friends do but she flinches back. She wasn't even looking at him. Rohan doesn't sigh. He just keeps the sincere smile on his face. "Ready?" His index finger lingers around the air.

Siya's face showed nothing but self-consciousness. Her eyes cast on the ground but they look around for other people's bodies to know she's not alone. She's not afraid of Rohan. Not Rohan but subconsciously she's been like this with every man around her now.

"Ye-yeah." It's a mere whisper. Her bandaged palm tightens around her same old black purse. Eyes heavy with tears but she refuses to cry.

"You're cold?" He takes in her appearance and can't help but wonder. It was Sunday today. He wore a simple plain black t-shirt with black sweatpants. He came here straight after rolling out of bed. Without having a shower or having his breakfast. He only washed his face and rode to meet Siya last time before she leaves for her village.

Siya parts her plump lips to give a short one worded answer when she hears people shuffling around her. Her bus had arrived. It was then when Siya looks up to meet the most magical and incredible pairs of coco bean eyes she's ever seen.

The most balanced amount of spark and liveliness in them. His hair was dry and hanging on his temple. He hadn't gotten a haircut in this one month time frame. His face wasn't clean shaven, instead it had mild stubble which'll grow into a beard very soon.

Their eyes meet and Siya wishes she could be herself like before. "My bus. Has arrived." It's been one month since the incident happened and Siya still can't bring herself to speak without chocking or crying or breaking her sentences into two.

Her lips quiver and Rohan panics thinking she's going to cry so he quickly extends her a cloth bag with food inside that his mother had cooked for Siya and a few things he threw in there for Siya to look at in private. Siya looks at his hand with the bag before taking it. She doesn't say 'thank you,' like her usual self. "Call me? When you reach? Maybe?" He scratches the back of his nape, unsure if he's asking for too much.

In this one month their relationship status is unknown. Perhaps because Siya moved into Payal's cousins flat as a PG for a new start. Rahan Rathore was arrested by the police the same day for attempt of rape and murder. He was rich indeed but with so many eyewitness the case was in favour of Siya Joshi. He's in Jail right now. His sentence hasn't been decided yet but he's far away from her.

If the legal formalities hadn't taken a month to be done by Siya's side she would be home right now. Sitting with her brother. Talking to him about all the awful things she's had to go through.

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