79 - Sketches

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Started Typing On – 18/04/2020

Chapter 79 – Sketches

Siya took photos of the waterfall from her phone to send her brother later on so he could show their parents. She was clicking shots and moving her camera slowly to the right when Rohan's weary face comes in her camera app. Siya stifles a smile from slipping out of her.

"Can we like, just, get the hell out of here before I throw him off a cliff?" He had the audacity to request her with a cult voice even after everything that's happened.

"You don't get to use this tone after everything you've said." Siya mutters. "Now smile," she gives a toothy grin, encouraging him to follow her instructions. When Rohan doesn't make any move to change his straight line lips to a grin Siya whispers, "I was considering the workout idea but seeing you don't even listen to me it—"

Rohan quickly smudges the stubborn expressions to a wide toothy smile. "When did I say I won't smile?" He lies giving his shoulders a playful shake. Siya throws him a poker face look, eyes dead straight on him, "take the photo now." He gestures to her phone.

"I changed my mood." She sassily grins before heading to Diya who wanted to take a photo with Mrs Bhatt.

"I bet my stars are in the wrong house right now." Then he frowns to himself. Eyes narrowing in confusion. "Is it stars or planets?" He lets the question hang hoping someone will answer it but nobody does.

He looks ahead to find his wife standing on the rocks with Diya beside her. Her denim jean joggers were folded to her knees because of the water splashes. Her open hair was blanketing her staggering and attention-worthy eyes. His wife shakes her head in aim to push them away from her view.

Rohan captures everything on his camera with a fond light lingering on his face. It seems—this moment—so surreal. Siya being like her old-self or even better and chirper is so soothing to see. He watches her through his camera screen and smiles when she jumps in fright at the cold water touching her feet. She giggles later on at herself saying something to Diya.

What she had said to Arjun's wife didn't even drive Rohan's attention but just seeing her like this—so carefree and childish was enough to put his heart on rest.

"Miss Siya move to the right a little," Arjun shouts with his phone in his hand taking his wife's photo with her new friend.

Rohan's light headed mood explodes in bitterness. "MRS. MRS." Rohan shouts meters away from them. None of them heard him and continued taking photos. "He needs to remember she's MRS not Miss!"

Rohan grunts storming to them slinging his own camera around his neck. He plants his hand on Arjun's shoulder and squeezes. Arjun looks at him—startled to feel presences beside him all of a sudden—and unsurely smiles. "Hello Ji."

A stern nod makes it's way. "Want me to take the photos?" He offers. Arjun took it to consideration—by the look of his eyes staring far into the distant without blinking—then he looks nervous.

"I'm alright." Rohan's eyebrow arches. His eyes stare at his face dubiously. Perhaps Arjun notices this because he later on adds, "I wouldn't know how to—where to stand in the photo." He admits lowly. Bhatt was still a little slow realizing he was talking about the ladies busy posing.

"Oh." He says. Hand back to his side. Both the ladies were beginning to walk back to their husbands. Arjun shift closer to Rohan and quietly asks, "I hope I didn't disturb you last night."

It was only his third day of the six days honeymoon and Rohan wanted to head back because of this couple. "Of—of course," he forces a resentful smile to the man beside him. Arjun looks uncertain, "—not." Bhatt adds. Arjun smiles in relief.

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