47- 'One Added Person'

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Typed 02/10/2019Chapter 47: 'One Added Person'

Sunday drifted of easily and calmly. After being dropped of home by Rohan in his bike, they both stood mutely by his bike, unable to come up with something. Rohan wasn't sure if he should hug her and she wasn't sure of the same. But in different context. If I hug him, will it be too much?

The silence was unbearable so Siya muttered a 'ok, thanks for today and bye' and literally speed walked to her door without hearing his reply.

Hurriedly wearing her shirt and speed walking out the room Siya dashed into the kitchen. Give her steamy tea a few blows and stirring it with a spoon, she fixed her shirt collar and took out her phone from her jeans pocket.

Gulping down a few sips of the hot tea her mouth twists from the burn. Drinking it for the sake of her empty stomach she drinks it away and punches the number of Rajeev's office on her phone, placing it on her ear as she puts down the cup on the sink.

The phone was answered by a lady with a high pitch, and rather too sweet for Siya's taste. She sounded like she's said the exact same time again and again. Scripted.

Ignoring her own opinion, Siya spoke. "Hi, this is Siya. I'm calling regarding of a job interview. Actually Rajeev emailed me. I'm just calling to inform I'm not interested in the offer anymore." Her voice was apologetic.

"Rajeev emailed you?" Siya nods. When realising the girl on the other side couldn't see her she opened her mouth to agree but was cut off. "When did he email you?"

"Umm," she presses her hand on her temple, massaging it. "I-I" why can't I think? She lets out a exasperated growl. "I don't recall." She admits feeling foolish. "Umm, less than a week? Maybe four days?"

Why couldn't I remember it on the first go?

"Ok." The reply was uncertain. It gave Siya the image of a confused lady talking to her. It didn't mend her foolish feeling gripping her heart. "That's weird because Rajeev left this company two months ago. His company email should be deleted by now." There was a tongue click from the other side.

Her head was spinning a little, maybes because she was out in the wind for a while. And sitting behind a bike driving in a fast speed doesn't help. "It's ok." Siya doesn't understand why she even bothered saying this. But with a bye she hung up. Clutching her forehead in her hand.

I need to go to work.

Locking her door, jamming her finger deep into her purse to drop the key inside safely she zipped it up before whirling around to a familiar face. Standing taller than her height Ravi smiles. "Good morning Siya."

She wonder how easy it was for him to smile despite he may have his own problems because everyone had one or two. "Morning." Her voice is faint. Nearly audible. But he catches it.

"You don't look so well?" Her eyes meet with an arched eyebrow above his brown eyes.

"I'm fin—" she stumbles back. Her back hitting the wooden door with a thud, thankfully her legs haven't given up just yet. They still had some energy to lift her up. Palms flat on the doors surface—behind her back—she pushed herself forward. "I'm fine." She said former and louder to motivate her dizzy self.

This always happened whenever Siya was empty stomach.

"Siya—" Ravi reaches out to touch her elbow but she moves. Her steps little heavy and stumbling but good enough to walk to the nearest auto. She couldn't wait for the bus nor walk in such a state. Maybe it's the sun. Blanketing her head from the sun with her hand above her head, she eyes around the road.

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