25- Tea Spot

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I love this chapter out of all the other 24, hope you do too!

Started Typing on – 15/06/2019

Chapter 25- Tea Spot

Rahul's Pov:

I did something super unexpected today. Offering Siya lift. I still can't believe it. After Yug left with an angry look and when I noticed Siya I thought I'll glare at her because half of my day was ruined by her but I decided to drop her home instead. Because she's the only person who wouldn't judge me. She's not in the state to judge anyways, from the look of her house.

If I went straight home Ma would have started showing me girl's pictures and from the look on my face she'll know something might have happened. So I decided to run. And my escape was Siya.

She'd asked me about my conversation with Yug. Obviously I can't tell her the truth and why should I? I owe her nothing. It was personal and in the same moment I was questioning her about her own life. Touchy topic.

From wedding I don't recall how I ended up opening her old wounds by mentioning Harsh. She said she's not sad he's married and I felt relief. She doesn't have any problem with Harsh or Neha but when she kept going on and on I managed to spill a very sincere and broken 'sorry.'

We'd went to a trip few months ago with Harsh, Neha and a few others mutual friends but Siya was invited along. Harsh thought it was a great idea to invite her as she hasn't met her and Harsh's mutual friends since University years.

It was our fault. Mostly mine. I thought she was a threat to my friends newly married life. I probably unintentionally added fuel into the atmosphere by doubting Siya and repeatedly warning Neha to watch out. Neha wasn't rude to Siya but she did get jealous and change her ways to watch out for Harsh.

The whole trip I was back bitching about Siya. About how careless she is for giving away too much information or unnecessary saying stuff when not needed. I thought she came to the trip on purpose. I wasn't aware of her house problems back then. I had no idea she lived alone in Delhi. I had no idea who she was.

Yet, I judged her. I may have changed others opinion on her. Because of me she cried a few minutes ago when I was inside her house. I wanted to reach out. To console her but how could a culprit give a victim their shoulder to cry on? It doesn't seem right.

The rain tackles my body with it's heavy drops. Sliding onto my hair, into my scalp I hiss a little from the fresh and cold water drop. It comes steady and soft at first from the dark sky and then it's heavy and loud with the gusting wind carrying them in the wind towards me. It splashes onto my heavily sad face and I then realise I'm damped, standing outside Siya's house with my face down in shame.

"Do you need help?" I hear a male voice reaching out to me from my left.

The rain runs down my face in a thin layer of coldness sending me in a chilli state before I flip my face towards the voice to see who it belonged to.

Indeed a male. Around my age from the look of his young face—old looking face—I unintentionally smile once remembering Siya's comment from last time. Perhaps he's old if he's around my age. According to Siya. His hair damped as well but clothes are dry—he's had a shower. A normal looking guy from her next door. I know because his hand still gripped the door handle tightly.

"I'm fine—" I mutter, aiming to lift my voice up to sound casual but the guilt of leaving a crying Siya inside still aches my heart which leaves me to a thick sad voice being delivered. "—thank you"

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