Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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I wake up from the same nightmare I have since I came back to this place. It's been centuries since my mom and dad die. And it's been a year since I came back to this place.

My brother decided to hide me from the world after a week of my parents death. He brought me to a place where human live. From there he told me the reason why I should hide.

It is just easy to hide because I can mask my scent and change it into the human scent. That is the reason why those vampire rouges want to have me. To get my blood because without scent it is hard to track them.

I live a not so normal life there. I take care of the company we have to support the supplies of food and other things we need in the coven, the place we stay.

When I turn 25 and that is when I stop aging. I decided to live on my own and travel in different places. Until I decided to came back to the coven. Not to claim my place as the princess but as the warrior.

That coven is where the vampire king lives. The highest and strongest coven. But of course there is many branches around the world.

As I travel in japan I was fascinated in the way they fight and I enjoy there so much that I choose to be a warrior.

And that is why I am here now. Inside of the castle.

I get in my bed and ready myself for my early run. I made a routine to run in the morning. When I check the clock it is 5:30 in the morning. I quickly go out in the castle and start running around the grounds.

The castle is not that big. It is like a mansion but they call it a castle because the vampire king resides in there. Around the palace there a other houses of other vamps.

For my last run I saw William, my second in command. Well apparently after months of training I became the head general of the warriors and William became my second.

"Well hello your highness, having your early run, I see" he greeted me and I just roll my eyes at him.

"Well hello to you to" I said playfully and start my run again and come to my room after.

I take a bath and wear my yoga pants and a t-shirt. I prefer wearing loose shirts, it is very comfortable.

I tie my hair into a ponytail and went outside for the breakfast hall not minding that I don't wear any make-up. The hell I care about it.

When I get inside of the dining area I already saw William flirting with the maid. And it makes me roll my eyes. What a casanova.

I sit beside him and look at him with disgust. He make the maid leave and look at me with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"You shouldn't be jealous because you have my eye only for you" he said.

"Well if I have your eyes in me, I already have crushed it in my hands like this" I said and show him my hands that is now in fist. But he didn't mind it and still look at me with a wide smile on his face.

He just stop staring at me when the vamp king arrive. Everyone stop their own talk and look at him. We waited for him until he started eating and we all follow.

It's kind of weird tradition where the king must eat first before anyone could follow. What if there is a poison in the food, he iss going to die first.

"Hey Drew, when are you going to find your mate" Logan, the second in command of the vamp king ask out of know where.

"I don't know" he simply said and continue eating.

"You know you need a queen by your side" he's second in command said.

"It is not easy to find a mate Logan. You know that, well everyone know that. It is hard to find our mate because we are immortal and we don't know if our mate is already born or is already dead" he explain

"Then find someone else" I said that makes everyone's eyes on me.

"What? If you really want a queen, the king can find someone worthy for the title" I explain to them and they nod in agreement.

"She's right, and I know everyone can agree with me but, you and Claire is the best match" Logan said that make me choke of my food.

"What the hell?"

The vamp king look at me and I glare at him saying that he should not agree.

"I will think of that" he said not looking away from me.


After everyone finish their food they all make their way to their own work. I get up from my chair and ready to get out in the dining area but the vamp king called me.

"Meet me in my office" he said and get out before anyone could followed by his second in command.

"Well your highness I will see you in the training ground after your talk with the king" William said and I just roll my eyes from him.

I started to walk in the long stairways up to the kings office. I knock three times before opening the door not waiting for his invite to come inside.

I saw him sitting in his own swivel chair. Piles of papers in his desk and his second in command is in his back watching the other camps doing something outside.

With it's wall made of crystal it is sure a possible one to see things down there.

"What the hell was that" I started to say that makes the boys look at me.

"Watch your tone, I am still your king" he said while looking at me intently.

"Well I don't care. Mind explaining what happened earlier"

"I said I will think about it"

"Well if your thinking it means you agree with it"

"Just hear me out first okay"


I was cut off by Logan when he spoke.

"Hear us out first princess, okay. You know that he only think what is the best and what is safe for you" Logan explain.

I calm myself first and sit down at the chair in front of his desk.

"So?" I ask and cross my left leg to my right leg.

"Someone suspected that you are still alive, hiding inside the castle and they suspected you as the lost princess, which is true" he explain to me.

"So your saying that there is an upcoming war?" I ask but they just both shake their head.

"No, what I mean is that, for a show you and me are going to be engage to erased the suspicion they have towards you" he explain to me.

"So it means that it just a diversion" Logan explain.

"So your saying I am going to be engage with you, my own brother" I said pointing at the vamp king.

"Yes" he simply answered


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