Chapter 39: Rogue Attack

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After Caden said were being attack, Jason came, huffing.

“The attack started in the west side of the border. The patrols said there was a small group of rogues came, when they already take care of it, out of nowhere there was a big group of rogues. That’s when they start attacking” Jason explained while we keep moving.

“What rogue attack?” I ask gripping Caden’s robe tightly. He insisted that I should wear his robe because I am just wearing a very thin clothing. I just take it to shorten the conversation.

“Werewolves” he answer.

“Are the warriors, all set?” he asks and Jason nodded.

When we came outside all the warriors are ready. Wendy is in the front looking so serious. Somehow I saw myself at her.

Caden give orders to his warriors and everyone move. He then looks at me and grips my shoulder.

“You stay here and make sure that those rogues will not come near other non-warriors” he orders but I just shake my head.

“I am also a warrior. And I am not your pack member where you can order me around” I said looking firmly at him.

“You should stay here and keep safe” he said but I just swat his arms.

“No, I will fight with you” I said.

“Listen to me, you need to stay here okay” he said frustrated.

“You can’t just order us around alpha, and besides, look at her. She’s not taking orders when she really insisted it” Luke said making us look at him.

Caden look at me and when he saw I am dead serious he sign very frustrated and grip his own hair.

“Fine but you better make sure that you won’t leave my side” he said and I nodded.

We started moving but before that I look at Luke.

“And I don’t want seeing you bleeding when this is finish” I said looking serious.

“Yes” he answers firmly and that’s when we move along with others to the west side.

When we arrive, there is already many corpse in the ground.

“Luke my back” I ordered and he nodded.

“Forward” I added but this time through telepathy.

I then feel my sense more alert and heightened. I can smell the very strong scent of those bloods.

When I saw a rogue tackling a very injured wolf I went on their way and punch the body of the wolf.

It went on others making it pinned its comrades. I look at the injured wolf. He has a bite on his legs.

“Luke takes this man to have a medical treatment” I called Luke when I saw him finishing a rogue through telepathy. He looks in my way and then to the man. He nodded his head.

I didn’t wait for him to arrive to take the man and I just attack the rogues. I keep, punching kicking, breaking necks and biting them.

Jumping above the back of the rogue, I take the pin, hidden in my hair and struck it in his eyes. He roared in pain. I then followed his other eyes.

I landed on the ground and take its legs breaking them. I smile in satisfaction hearing him roar in pain. I then hold his neck and grip it twisting it to the sides. When I heard the sound of the broken bones, that’s when I know that he’s dead.

I look around and saw that the rogues are now out numbered. I didn’t notice a wolf on my back not until I felt the pain of his claws attached in my back.

I look at him deadly and slowly approach him, but he is just stepping backwards.

“Scared now?” I ask with a smirk on my face. I keep walking towards him. Then I saw the spark in his eyes.

He lunged at me but before he can do anything, I slide underneath him and push my hands in his chest taking his heart in the process.

He lay on the ground, weakling. I look at his beating heart back at him then I crash it in my hands.

A wolf attack me in my side but before he can pounce his claws to me I swiftly move on his side, holds his neck and sunk my teeth on him.

When I have enough I kick him in his stomach eyeing him innocently in the ground. I can feel his blood dripping in my mouth. He then closes his eyes. I smirk.

Those weaklings. I proceed on killing them all having the satisfaction of those dripping bloods.

“Retreat” someone said in the group of rogues and they all started moving away when I didn’t see them anymore I felt a hand on my shoulder but didn’t mind it as a speed away running towards those wolves who run away like a true coward they are.

“Claire” I didn’t mind whose voice is that as I focus on my preys.

When I am sure that everybody is dead I then proceed to the last wolf that I purposely leave alive but made sure that can’t run away.

I take him with me to the pack house.

Caden is the first one to me inspecting my wounds. I put the wolf down lazily making them look at him.

“I’m fine alpha” I said making him sign in relieve.

“Thank goodness, but make sure not to do that stunt anymore” he said surprising everyone when he suddenly hug me and I hug him back.

“I told you alpha, she’s strong and can take care of herself” Luke said making me aware of our surroundings.

I lightly push Caden away and compose myself before speaking.

“I leave this one in your care” I said pointing at the wolf. Caden ordered Jason to bring him in the dungeon for questioning.

“You done so much for today, you can take your rest” Caden said dismissing everyone.

I look at Luke and saw him following his gaze on Wendy’s retreating figure.

“You should take care of others first, let’s talk later” I said looking at Caden and he nodded in understanding. He kissed my forehead before he leave.

I walk towards Luke.

“Luke” I called him gaining his attention. He lightly bow his head at me in greetings.

“Drop the formalities Luke” I said but he keep his gaze down.

“I decided to send you back home” with this being said he looks at me, shock is written in his eyes.

“It’s not because you lack of anything, but I think it’s for your own good. After you adjusted in the thought of having wolves as our allies, I think I can decide or let Andrew decide to have you a mission. You’re good as a training instructor” I said and when he keeps looking at me I sign.

“I can’t” he said making me look at him.

“I am a warrior. I don’t back out on a thing that scared me. This is the time, I will accept my fate just like yours. Mother” after hearing this I can’t help but hug him tighter.

“I know you will. You’re my son for nothing” I said, then I felt him hug me back.

“I’m sorry for what I have told you”

“It’s fine”

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