Chapter 6: Allies

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It take us few hours before we arrive in our destination. We agreed that the five of us will stay in one hotel but we are going to enter in different time to make us unsuspicious if someone will know about us.

William and I will come as step brother who’s visiting the place, Luke and Michael as a cousin who want’s to find a job around the area while Brent will also a guy who is visiting the place and William, asa tourist.

Our plan started and the five of us was in our own hotel suite. This hotel is not that famous. In fact this place is like a small village that is just starting to grow because of the tourists spot it have.

I spend half of my day checking my suite and arranging my clothes. When I was done I went to Williams’s room and knock three times. Not so long after the door open and a fresh William greeted me.

“Well hello there my sweet sister” he said mockingly and I roll my eyes at his attitude.

He open his door widely so I can come in. I let my self enter and look around his suite. Just like mine it has a mini living room a bed, kitchen. All in all it is like a small apartment.

I make myself comfortable in his sofa and he went to his room to change. I don’t spend much time taking a shower. It’s almost dinner when we came down to eat.

This place has a small restaurant near the hotel. A few minutes of walking from here you can find their tourist spot.

Actually this place is surrounded by forest. Well not totally. There is still so many humans here.

For now I am sure that this place is safe because this is no-man’s land. A place where no vampire or a pack can be seen. In short someone still didn’t claim the land as their territory.

Time goes fly and we are now inside of Williams room. We agreed that we are going to meet in Williams room for the plan for tomorrow.

“Hey how about let’s take a holiday and go see their famous hidden falls” William suggested while eating his chips. This man has a crocodile’s stomach.

We just finish eating dinner and here he is eating, again.

“You may be right. We should start to scout the area. Me and William will go to the other city and talk to other coven about this attacks. You three will look around the area” I ordered and they nod except William.

“Why don’t you take Brent instead of me?” he ask pouting his lips that makes me laugh at his face. He look like a duck.

“Are you defying my order” I ask him with authority and he shakes his head immediately.

I smirk at his reaction and start talking again on what is going to happen.

“If anything happen just call me do you understand?” I ask the three and they nod their head.

Even though we are apart, we can still talk to each other by using telepathy. A common skill we vampires have. But the distance you can use telepathy is based on how strong you are.

After my final reminder to them I dismissed them and we all went to our different ways.

Morning come and I wake up early and do my daily routine. Bu this time instead of changing into my workout outfit I change into my jeans and t-shirt. We are going to leave this place to talk to other covens near here.

Me and William leave earlier than have agreed and rent a car to use for our little trip.


“This is the nearest coven from the hotel” William stated and park the car near the entrance of the forest.

I went outside and feel the air that passed by face.

“Let’s go” I said and Will nodded.
We use our vamp speed to reach the coven and like I expected someone stop us before we can enter their territory.

“Stop” someone shouted and in an instant there is six men surrounding us.

“We don’t come here to fight. We were send by King Andrew” Will said convincing them but they never leave eye contact with us.

“State your name” a man with a big body with so many tattoos in his arms ask.

“My name is William and this is Claire, the general” William said and they all look at me and when they recognise me they all put their weapons down, which I didn’t notice that are pointing at us.

“Please follow us. We will inform the Chief about your arrival” the same man who ask, no more like demanded to state our name said.

In a coven, big or small they call their leader as the chief. But when it comes to a royalty we call it King.

The man bring us to the largest house and everyone we have passed by gave us a curios stare on who we are.

I don’t blame them, I am not really that popular though. Well I don’t know in William’s case because he win many fights alongside the king. But you can’t see it in his childish face and attitude.

We were greeted by their chief as we enter their main house. And the day goes fast. Whereas me and William went from coven to coven to gather information about the unknown attacks but they all say almost the same.

“I didn’t do the order”

That’s why we thought that maybe we should came back to the hotel again and discuss what we all find out. We spend a week to finish half of the covens around the area.

The ride back to the hotel is silent. Well for me because I fell asleep and just woke up because of William’s hand taping my face.

I open my eyes and shot him a glare but he just shrug his shoulders and went inside the hotel. I follow him inside and when we are settle  I inform Will that I am just going for a run.

It’s almost dawn and I am sure that there is no one that would dare to go around the forest. As I went inside the forest I keep running until I am sure that I am not that far away from the hotel.

I mask my scent into the human scent and walk around. I notice that the moon is starting to rise up. Using the moon’s rays I use it as my light around the forest but beside that I can still clearly because of my enhance eyesight.

I walk and walk inside the forest until I stop because of the sight in front of me. A small lake is in front of me and because of the moon it gives more color to the water.

Without hesitation I take off my clothes and jump in the warm water. The water is not that deep. I enjoy the water and that I almost not notice the sound behind me.

I turn around and I saw a half naked man. Freaking hell.

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