Chapter 49: Jack

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“Are you done?” I ask as if I am not their prisoner.

“Were not your highness”

“We are also going to prove if you’re blood is really helpful” he said with a devil laugh.

“And if not?”

“Then we are going to use you against your brother and Caden. It’s like shooting two birds in one stone, but meh. It’s more like three birds in one stone” smirking like a devil he truly is.

“Well then, your highness please enjoy your stay here and I see you later”

They both leave and closed the door. I even heard the jingles of the key to lock the door.

I rolled my eyes. Too scared aren’t they? I can’t move here from my place and even though the room is small the door is impossibly far from where I am.

I really need to get away from this place.  I lean my head to the wall while I am still sitting in the bed looking at the moon outside. For the first time after I finally came back from hiding, I felt scared.

I don’t what to do. I don’t know if they are safe. Are they looking for me? I just hope I can survive being here.

I didn’t notice that I drifted to sleep thinking and just woke up from the same position after hearing big steps outside my door.

I waited for someone to open the door but a minute after, no one came. I sign. I hope they won’t start doing what they needed from me.

This is the reason why I don’t why to be with anyone. Because they are going to be my weakness that they can use against me.

But I can’t do anything to change it anymore but to embrace the situation with bravery and that is what I should do. They won’t have the satisfaction they want from me.

With a new determination in me I held my head high and keep my face straight. I keep waiting for someone to come inside while I scan my surroundings. Last night I couldn’t check it because of sufficient light.

From the far corner of my bed there is a small table. The door is made of metal and I am sure it contains of silver which is the weakness of not just wolves but also vamps.

A minute later after looking around the door swing open and Jack came inside. This time he is alone and in his hands, he holds a tray of food which only contains single bread and a half filled water.

He put the tray in front of me making me raise my brows at him.

“Eat” he ordered which I just rolled my eyes at him.

“If you’re not going to eat then don’t” he said. He is really different from the Jack I know back in the pack house.

“And how do you think I will eat if both of my hands were tied up?” I ask sarcastically.

“Find a way then” he said and seated in the table. I just lean in the wall behind me and look at him.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask looking at him.

“Because I want to”

“What did the pack do to you to make you betray them?”

“None of your business”

“Is it too much to the point where you betray your king and your pack?”

“You really are something you know”

“I don’t know but now I think I do”

He stands from his sit and walks towards me.  I stay rooted in my place not moving or showing any sign that I am scared of him.

He is just a low ranking traitor wolf. He is just nothing.

“Once upon a time, there is an experimental hybrid rooming around the world. He was seen as a threat and anyone wants him dead. Then one day he meet a woman who makes him feel like a normal being. They leave normally as a family. But that also was taken away from him. That’s why he decided to make an army who are also against the royalties.

He wanted vengeance to his beloved. I am an unwanted wolf. No one accept me but only him. And to help him with his revenge I become the pack spy. And everything becomes so easy when I become the gamma. Stupid alpha who doesn’t know anything. And now I can also have my vengeance. We can have the world like we want”

He said and I can see in his eyes the sadness.

“If you’re a rogue, how did you get accepted in the pack?” I ask looking at him.

“Simple, act like you’re the most innocent wolf you are. A spy should also be a good actor you know” he said with a smirk.

“And you’re the most stupid then” I said looking down.

“What did you say?! Huh! Protecting your mate now are you? I should know better” I look up at him with anger.

“If you are not dumb and stupid wolf you are. You should realise that the alpha wanted you! He accepted you even though you’re a rogue. He didn’t see you as an unwanted wolf!” I spat angrily.

Rogues are really insane. They didn’t realize the sacrifices their leaders are making for them. They know that wolves can’t live without a pack.

“You really don’t understand do you?”

“They are doing it for a show. To show how kind they are where in fact they are the most cruel creature!”

“Well news flash rogue! The alpha king is known as the scariest wolf in the world. He is known as merciless especially when it comes to the rogues. But he still accepted you! Jerk!”

“Don’t you dare yell at me!” he said. A slap was heard in the dead silence of the room. I look at him with my venomous eyes.

“You can’t get away from this. Remember that”

After stating that he just leave me alone with a big sound of the door being closed. I also heard him ordered to give me no food for the rest of the day.

Does he really think he that I am that weak? I can survive without food. But of course I can’t without a blood. Actually before I get kidnapped the day before I drink enough blood to for a week and thank the goddess I did that.

I look at the closed door and I sign. I reminisce the talk, or more like the argument I have with Jack earlier.

Then something odd about his story hit me.

They leave normally as a family.

Nicholas Jones meet a girl. She died. And now he wants revenge.

Jack’s eyes.

Her eyes.

They are the same. I abruptly look at the door where Jack leave. I put piece and piece together until I realize the whole situation.

Damn it.

The last thing you expect the most is the actually the very big thing in the picture. You must not go beyond it.

I really need to leave this place.

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