Chapter 45: The Suppose Heir

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"So? I am waiting Claire"

"Look, before I tell you, please don't think that I didn't tell you this because I don't trust you. I just don't want anyone to know" I said looking down in my hands that are just above my lap.

"I know I have a very lame reason but I hope you will understand me" I continued, I heave a deep sign before I continue to tell him not bothering to look up.

"He's my brother" I started and this time I look at seeing his confuse look that he gives at me.

"I mean, Andrew, he is my older brother" I explained but his expression is still the same.

"But they say that his sister is dead" he said while looking at me confuse.

"After my mom and dad died after the massacre in the palace, my brother decided to hide my existence to protect me from those rogues who wanted to get me, thus reporting fake death" I said looking at the ground.

"I know I should told you about those things, I can't bring myself about it. I want to protect them not the other way around that's why I despise being a royalty and choose what I am right now"

"But you can also protect everyone being their leader" he said lifting my chin using his fingers.

"I know, but it is the only way I see to protect them, that's why I am having second thoughts being your luna"

"Claire, every pack needed their luna to have a balance ruling inside the pack, they need you. I need you" he said making me feel guilty.

I now my acts are for my selfish desires. Actually you can protect someone more with the power you have. The victory we gain after wars are because of the leaders strategies.

"There is also one thing you need to know about me" I said looking away.

"It's not really that-"

"Look at me when you're talking, darling" he said using his very husky and deep voice making me gulp.

"Wh-what I am t-trying..." feeling the lump in my throat, I cough before continuing when I felt like I will not stutter anymore.

Damn that husky voice. They sound so sexy and I felt like I am going to pull him towards me. Control yourself Claire. This is not the right time. I mentally slapped myself and bring myself to talk once again.

"What I mean is that this information is not really needed, though I want to tell you. Even though Andrew is born first I am the heir to the throne. After learning about this, I confronted my father and told him I don't want the throne and let Andrew take it. My father agreed with me but everyone still treated me with a higher position with Andrew. I think that's also the reason why I choose to become a warrior"

"That's why you can make Andrew submit to you?"

"Yes, more or less. But after passing the throne to him officially, my authority over him will vanish"

"That's more like a reason for those rogues to take you"

After the talk in his office, he decided to bring me in the city to avert my attention somewhere. But to make unsuspicious, we also bring others like Luke and Jason.

We visited every store inside the mall. Feeling exhausted we decided to went back in the pack house.

I saw my Miku in the couch with Ken in her arms watching TV while Andrew's arms were behind Miku.

"What a happy family" Jason burst after he saw the family in the couch.

They both turned in our direction. Seeing us walking towards them, Andrew makes his way towards me caging me in his arms.

"Hey princess. How was the mall?" he ask.

"Fine" I said.

"Tired?" Caden asks and I nodded.

"Aww, my princess is tired" Andrew said cooing me as if I am a child.

I smack his arms away from me and to be release from his hug. Miku chuckle at this action.

"I think not, you can still smack me" Andrew said pouting while brushing his arms where I smack him. I rolled my eyes in his action. He's acting as if it hurts so much where in fact I didn't even use a strong force to smack him.

"Were going to head first" I said making my way to Caden.

"Aren't you going to eat dinner first?" Miku asks and I shake my head.

"We already ate before coming home" I said and she nodded.

"We also brought take outs so don't worry" Jason said walking towards the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Caden and I went inside to his room and I hop in his bed feeling the comfort it's giving.

The shopping and touring in the city is so tiring.

"Aren't you going to take a shower first before sleeping" Caden ask as he lifted his shirt off making me drool.

Those six pack abs and toned body. I keep looking at his body until I stopped in his adam's apple.

"Like what you see" Caden said smirking from my reaction.

"No" I said seriously looking at his captivating blue eyes. His smirk was starting to fade but he keeps it steady as if he's not affected to my answer making me smirk and continue saying.

"I don't like it because I love it" clapping my hands in the process as if a child.

"Take shower first, I'll follow after" I said closing my eyes.

"Don't you want to take it with me" I heard him saying with a hint of teasing in his voice.

I chuckle at him before answering a big and final no. I heard him walk and opened the door in the bathroom hearing him stumping his foot in the floor like a kid in his tantrums.

After taking a shower and changing into my night gown, I join Caden in the bed.

He nuzzles his face in my neck when I situated myself in the bed. After some time I can feel him kissing my neck.

"Claire" he groan while continuing on harassing my neck.

Caden hovered me and deep his head capturing my lips with his. He lick my lower lips seeking for entrance but I declined making him groan. I then felt his hands gripping my thigh making me gasp in surprise.

In that moment he slipped his tongue inside my mouth and keep exploring it. The kiss was slow and passionate at first not until it turned into a heated kiss.

His leaves wet kisses below my jaw until it stop in the crook of my neck. Sipping my skin making me moan. I grip his hair in the process.

I shivered when I felt him kiss the spot where he should place his mark. I can feel his smirk in my skin learning he found the spot.

His hands roam in my waist until I felt it just under my night gown. He is only wearing his boxer like always.

I thought that that he is going to start taking it off when he stopped and rolled beside me.

"I think we should stop there" he said kissing my forehead when I give him a confuse look.

"I'm going to mark and mate with you if you're ready"

"But I am" I mumble softly.

"If I mark and mate with you, it also means accepting the title. I don't want to rush you with that"

I look at him in awe. He's really sweet and caring. I just give him a small smile before pushing myself further in him and we both drifted to sleep.

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