Chapter 9: Meeting

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After a minute of just lying in my bed, a knock is heard in my front door. I lazily open the door and William greeted me with a wide smile plastered on his face.

“They are waiting for us” he said smiling and I just nod at him.

We both leave the hotel and I follow him inside the forest because he know where we are supposed to go.

“Is it far enough to the town?” I ask him looking at his back.

He stop at his track’s and look at me.

“Not really far but enough distance from other people” he answer smugly and then again I just nod. I don’t have any energy to argue with him even though it is early in the morning.

I am a morning person so I don’t know why I feel like my energy is drained.

“You okay?” William ask, noticing my mood.

“I am fine, just walk faster” I order and he just nod.

A minute later we came to a stop in an open area inside the forest. The open space is not that big but fine to hold a meeting for a little number like us.

There are some trees that are fallen. It can be use as chairs. The three of them stop talking when they saw us approaching. They all stand and bow paying respect and I just nod at them.

“This place is nice” I commented.

“I find this place while monitoring the area” Luke answer and I smile at him.

“Well then gentlemen, let us start this meeting” I said clapping my hands and they all nod in unison, agreeing to start the meeting.

We talk about the things we learn after a week of staying here. It’s been so long since we came here and we still didn’t know anything.

This place seems normal aside from the unknown attacks that are taking place in different packs.

“Let us also monitor during the night. If something is wrong tell me already” I said eyeing each one of them.

I assign the sequence of the patrol. Every night, I assign with different patrol. Sleep is not really needed for a vampire.

We can survive without a sleep not to mention that we can’t have an eye bags.

I dismissed the meeting and we all went to our separate ways. When William start to walk away I hold he’s t-shirt.

“You’re coming with me” I said and pull him in way towards a coven that is very near in the town.

In a minute we came to a coven. The warriors that are in the patrol for the morning didn’t even dare to stop us in coming inside. Of course, because they already know me.

Wince, Drake’s son approach us as he saw us coming to the house.

“Queen, General” he addresses and slightly bow his head.

“Where is your father?” I ask him.

“He is in his office. Do you need something from him” he ask and I roll my eyes at him, showing that I am not please to his question.

“Obviously yes, we won’t waste our time coming here if we need nothing” I answer sarcastically making William look at me surprise by my action.

“I apologize for the queen’s behaviour. He just miss the king so much that she wanted to finish this matter already” William said and I also roll my eyes at him.

I don’t know why but I am in a very bad mood this day. My temper is not that short. Actually I have the longest patience between me and my brother, but now I don’t know.

“I can show you the way” he propose.

“Of course please, lead the way” William said and walk first from me.

Wince, like he said show us the way to his father’s office. He knocks three times before opening the door.

“The queen and the general are here to talk to you father” he said to his father to give notice for our presence.

He open the door for us widely letting us see what the chief is doing. But just like other typical chief he is setting in his chair behind his desk and doing some paper related to the coven I think.

“Chief Drake” William greets. He instantly look at us and his gray eyes meet mine.

He look surprise at first but instantly it change to a wide smile.

“What do I owe to have the queen and the general pay me a visit” he said. “Please, come and sit”

We both sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

“Find anything else” I ask after I sat in front of him.

“Actually your highness, last night another pack was attack. It is in another town at the north side” he explain and get up from his chair.

He waves his hand signalling us to follow him in a long table where you can see a map of the country. There is also a flag above the map that I assume that it represents other coven.

He pointed the place where the attack happens and base on my observation there is no coven in that place.

“What does this flag here mean?” William ask and pointed the flags.

“They represent the places where we can find other covens” he answer and my assumption are right.

I look closely at the pack where it was attack.

“By the way your highness I assign someone who can seek for them. I bet that they are really a vamp rogue” Drake said and I nod.

We stay there for lunch that is insisted by Wince and of course I agree. We stay in the coven until dawn planning on how we can find who is the mastermind of those attacks.

It is really a big risk. It has been a very long time since the great war between the vampire and werewolf. And I know that nobody wants another war to happen.

But I bet that the Alpha King is now planning something if this matter won’t stop.

But the point of this investigation is to know the one who is behind the attacks. We are still not 100% sure that they are rogues.

Maybe those wolves do something to other vamps that they want vengeance. We can’t just conclude something in the book without reading the other side, or the whole book.

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