Chapter 51: Rescue

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“So that’s why you take side with Nicholas Jones?” I ask.

“Nicholas Jones?” he ask and when something click inside his head he laugh.

“Yes, I am. You can see that” he said and stands abruptly when suddenly an alarm was heard.

“What’s happening?” he ask in panic looking at them.

“Sir, the lab is under attack” someone informed.

“What?!” he shouted.

“Call some help!” he ordered.

“Stupid, when i thought this place is secured” he said.

He went to a cabinet and takes something. A gun but I know that it is not just a simple gun. Its bullet is lace with silver.

Explosions were heard. Chaos can be heard from here.

When he face me again the door in this lab was sent flying until it get contact into the wall smashing it into pieces.

I can’t see who’s the one behind it because I can move my body. A familiar growl was heard echoing inside the room.


“Stupid wolf” he cuss aiming the gun to Caden but before he can even pull the trigger, someone tackle him in the ground.

Caden shifted back in his human form. He makes his way to me.

“Caden” I whisper.

“I’m here now. You’re safe” he said soothing me with his low and husky voice.

I just give him a smile. He lifted me in his arms carrying me in bridal style not minding that he is still naked.

We passes everyone like they can’t see us. Caden just easily made his way out. I take in my surroundings as we leave the building. It is already night.

When Caden secured me in a safe place he then gives order to someone. When he leaves my side to talk to someone not too far from me, I saw Luke’s face.

“Are you alright?” he ask with a worry in his voice.

“Yes” I said giving him a reassuring smile.

“We are going to go back to the Moon Pack. Just hang in there” he said and leaves when Caden appeared.

He carries me in his arms again and the next thing I knew I am now inside of a car. The journey back in his pack was long anfd silent.

I don’t know what happened next because the next time I opened my eyes I am in the pack hospital.

“How are you feeling?” Caden asks after he sees me awake.

“I little bit of dizzy” I answer.

“Alright stay here and I’ll just call the pack doctor” he said but before he can leave I pull his shirt making him look at me.

“Why? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Which part-“ I cut him off before he can asks more than that.

“I’m fine, it’s just…” I said looking down in my hands hesitant on the next thing I want to say.

He takes my hands in his making me look at him.

“Tell me what’s wrong” he said with a concern in his voice.

“I just…don’t want you to leave my side” I said looking directly at his beautiful blue eyes.

I saw his lips move upward, plastering a wide smile in his face.

“Okay, don’t worry I will not leave. I’ll just mind link the doctor” he said and a second later his eyes was clouded. Like a clouds were in there, and the next thing the normal color of his eyes came back.

“She’ll be here in any minute” he said and I just nodded.

We were both engulf in a comfortable silence but my mind didn’t. It came back to the time where I am held captive.


My head snap and look at Caden but before he can ask what’s wrong the door in my room open and stood there was a middle age woman.

“Alpha” she said acknowledging her alpha before looking back at me.

“How-“ before the doctor can even finish her word the door open again abruptly and this time my jerk of a brother look around the room and when he spotted me, he immediately engulf me in big hug.

“C-can’t b-breathe” I said patting his back. When he realize it, he let me go but not my shoulders.

“How are you feeling? Are you hurt? What did they-“

“Stop” I said irritated with a loads of the same question.

I smack his hands away and look around me.

“First, I am fine. I don’t feel anything in my body that hurts. And yes they did something to me…which can be discuss later” I said looking at everyone in this room.

“Now can I know when I will be discharged?” I ask calmly in the doctor.

“You’re not leaving this room young lady” Andrew told me and Caden agreed but I still hold my gaze in the doctor in front of me.

“Actually-“she stop mid-sentence and for a second her eyes become clouded. It is just a second and not really noticeable because it is just fast but because I am looking at her directly I saw that.

“And don’t you dare follow your alpha” I threaten but I think it is still not useful because I don’t have any authority.

“You need to stay here for another two days, to check if you’re fully healed and after that you can leave” she said and without a second thought she leave the room.

I huff in annoyance.

“Now what?” I ask crossing my arms in front of my chess and look at the boys inside my room.

And when I say boys, it includes not only Andrew and Caden but also Jason and Luke.

“Mind telling us what exactly happened?” Andrew ask but I look at him with a furrowed brows not knowing what he meant.

“He means the day when you were kidnapped” Caden explains. I look at them back and forth wondering when this two came in an agreement.

Then my mind went back to Jack. As if Caden have read my mind he explains his whereabouts.

“We are still finding him” he said pertaining to Jack. I sign in relief.

“How did you know that I was kidnapped?” I ask.

“Because we can’t find you anywhere. And I was so stupid to realize that you were kidnapped after a day of looking around in the pack ground and even in your coven” Caden explains and I saw his guilt.

“It’s not your fault. It’s mine” I said not meeting anyone’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t just go around like that” I added.

“Please enlighten us what happened that night Claire” I look up seeing everyone’s attention after Luke said that. I sign before explaining what happened.

“After I left Nathan’s house, I went to the forest to refresh my mind when I bumped into Jack. He offered to take me somewhere more refresher and I accept. Which I think is a very bad idea after knowing the truth about him. Then I think you can imagine what happened next. I got kidnapped but also with a help of a pack member who is also a traitor and a rogue” I explained and they all fall in silence digesting what I have said.

“But there’s something more, I learn while I am held captive there” I said gaining their attention again.

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