Chapter 54: New Moon

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“Did they think were threatened by this piece of paper” my brother shouted as he throws the balled paper in the wall inside Caden’s office.

Caden sit in his chair while I am seated in his lap, his arms around me while his chin rested in my shoulder while looking at my brother. While Jason and Logan seated in the chair in front of Caden’s table.

“Yeah right, then why are you so mad?” I ask sarcastically.

“Because it is a bullshit move!”

“Can you pass the paper back at me?” Caden ask suddenly making us look at him. My brother huff before grabbing the crumbled paper and tossing it to Caden which he easily catches.

“What is it?”

I ask him through the mind link.

He fixed the paper and look back at me.

“Something is weird” he said.

He read the letter again. And so I did the same. Then something clicks in me.

And let be the bright ray of the Goddess shine the bloody grounds.

“This” I said pointing to the letter.

Logan, Jason and Andrew come closer and look at where I point my finger.

“Why?” Logan asks.

“The day?” Caden said and I nodded.

“Can you explain to us appropriately?” Andrew asks annoyed.

“When is the full moon?” I ask.

“Last week” Jason answered.

“How about the new moon?” I ask again.

“This Saturday” he answered.

“This Saturday? Then we only have three days to prepare” I said seriously looking at them.

“You mean, that will be the day they strike?” Logan asks and I nodded.

“Make sense” Andrew said while holding his chin in understanding.

“The moon Goddess is pertaining to the moon as that is where we are really connected. And the day where the moon is the brightest is during the full moon or the new moon” he added.

“Then we don’t have more time. We need to prepare” Logan said and we all nodded.

The next day we move the members of the pack who’s not capable of fighting. The training also started for the warriors.

And for the next days, I didn’t see or meet Caden. Even though we stay in the same room, he always came late. The time I am asleep is the time he came. I just know that he came to sleep beside me is when I wake up early in the morning because I need to pee. When I woke up, he is not in the bed anymore.

If you’re wondering why I am not with other warriors training, it’s because of my brother and Caden. Both of them don’t want me to include in the battle.

Yes, they agreed that I can fight together with the other warriors that are the last line of defence. Meaning I am going to stay in the pack and fight only when the enemies past the line of defence before us.

And they though that I don’t need to train because it is not necessary. Not because I am strong but because they willbmake sure that there is no any enemies that will escape in their line of defence.

And right now I am with other pack members preparing for lunch for the warriors and other member that are currently hiding.

Tonight is going be the new moon. The warriors started preparing their equipment’s that they will use in the war.

You can feel the heavy atmosphere in the air. Everyone is on edge. After preparing the lunch, other woman brought the food in the hide out.

While I went outside to tell the warriors that the lunch are ready.  When everyone already finish eating I saw Caden so I went towards him.

“Caden” I called attracting his attention from my brother.

I can see their brows furrow and that’s when I knew something’s wrong.

“What’s wrong?” I ask both of them and they just look away.

I cross my arms in front of my chest and raise my brows in their action. I even narrow my eyes at them knowing that they are both avoiding it.

“Just tell me what the hell is wrong?!” I shouted frustrated. I don’t care that we gain attention from my shout.

“You already prohibited me to fight with you and now you are keeping me in the dark” I spat angrily. I saw Caden’s hands balled into fist and he heave a sign.

“Look, it’s nothing that you need to worry about” Caden said and he’s about to touch me when I step back.

“Then tell me” I look at them.

“Cresilda” my brother, Andrew said making me look at him.

“What about that bitch?” I ask.

Andrew looks at Caden first, and then Caden heave a sign, again before continuing what my brother said.

“She escapes. The time we are about to take her, she’s nowhere to be seen. I don’t know how she had learnt that we already know about her. When we came to her house weeks ago, she already escapes. We thought that she leaves the day you told us about her”

“And that’s not all. She also releases some prisoner before she left. I don’t know why the guards didn’t notice that the cell of the prisoners were broken. After a few days that she had left, the prisoners leave the dungeon. But some were also held captive again”

“Why I didn’t know about this?” I ask angrily.

“It’s not the right time to be mad with that thing, Claire. We are going to a war later and just be thankful that no one was hurt in that incident. We don’t want you to involve in this as long as we can, so please just understand the situation” my brother calmly said and I just nodded.

They are right. I don’t have time with those bullshit. After that they leave again to continue preparing. They also feel me something I need to know in the said battle.

Out of boredom I just went to the library. I shouldn’t be here reading while others are preparing for battle but, what can I do?

I look around the shelves when something caught my attention. It is a history book about our kind. It has a very thick cover and very old.

I randomly open the book when I spat a very familiar name.

Nicholas Jones.

I skip the pages to find where it started. I brought it to the table and I started reading it when I found the starting point.

And just like the story that have been told to us, it is also the same in this book.

But upon reading the book, I read something odd.

After the death of his family he went insane. Killing everyone the he would see. Rumors say’s that he went insane not because he lost his family but because he lost his mate. Some also said that his kids were still alive but there is no evidence to support this theory. But one thing for sure, that he died because he lost his mate. And about the kids is still unknown.

Nicholas Jones died. Why I haven’t learnt about this? If Nicholas Jones really died, then who is leading a bunch of an army that composes of rogues?

Then I my mind went back to what Jack said and the attitude of rogues towards him.

“He wanted vengeance to his beloved”.

“And now I can also have my vengeance”.

He is not talking about Nicholas when he said those. He is talking about himself.

Then that means that Jack and Cresilda were actually the children of Nicholas Jones. The rumors were right about the kids.

And now Jack is the one leading the army.

Freaking hell.

I need to tell this to Caden.

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