Chapter 4: Stress

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The party continue and I start mingling with everyone. Congratulating me and I keep my smile and saying 'thank you' nonstop and it starts to irritates me.

"Congratulation, Claire. I know you will be a good queen"

"You and king Andrew were really a good match"

"I am not surprise anymore when you become the queen. I mean it's pretty obvious"

"You are going to be a perfect queen"

"I wonder why the two of you just get married already?"

This made me look at someone who said it.

"Pardon?" I ask her and she looks at me.

"Well I am wondering why the two of you make an engagement party if the two of you can marry already"

"She's right. Everyone expect you to be the queen by the way"

"With those gestures and sweet moment the two of you have"

"The way the two of you look for each other like the both of you long for each other's company"

"It is really not a big surprise that you are the king's mate"

Can someone ask me how I can stand this? Me and my brother looking like a lovey dovey couple.

Yes we longing for each other's company because apparently we got separated for centuries.

I just smile at them and excuse myself. I went in the stage where Logan sit and happily eating his food like he doesn't care in the world.

The thing me and Logan only share. We are both addicted to sweets.

I take the sit next to him and take his plate full of chocolates. He angrily look at me while eating his chocolates.

"Go down there and start mingling with everyone not sitting here" I boredly say to him and point the crowd using the fork.

Like he sense that I am not in the mood, he stand up and started to leave while shaking his head.

Now that I am alone...up here, I started to regret it. I deeply breath and start eating again not really in the mood.

"Something wrong princess" someone says from my back but even though I won't turn around I already know who it is.

"I feel tired" I simply say and look at him. He nods at me and turn his attention to everyone.

"I think the night is deep enough for everyone. Theparty is over thank you again for coming" he said and turn his attention back at me.

He lends his hands and I accepted it and we both get away from the garden. He walks with me until we came in front of my room.

I say my good night at him and walk inside my room not looking at his eyes.

I open my door and lock it when I am inside already. I close y curtain and started to strip.

I am so tired that the only thing that I want right now is sleep. Even though we are immortal we still feel being exhausted. After I step out of the dress I jump in my bed not minding that I am only in my undergarments and started to drift apart.
The day continues and because I am declare as the future queen it means that more task should do like attending in some meeting. Taking lessons on how to become a proper queen. Socializing to more vamps.

It also means that less time I can have with the kids in the nursery and less training with the warriors.

It sucks actually. I even complain this matter to my beloved brother but he just told me that I should be use to it.

And as if the goddess hears my prayers, I have now a free time to train with the warriors. I let them spar with someone so that I can evaluate their progress while I am busy.

They move more swiftly. Like their body is just a wind. Fast and calculated. But they lack in focus. I thought it is just few of them but when I notice that they all have the same problem I stop the training and call their attention.

"What the hell is wrong with everyone right now? You may be fast but you lost in focus. Tell me what wrong?" I ask with more authority in my voice and when no one answer me, I feel like a volcano, ready to erupt.

I turn my attention to William who is also silent and he is just looking at the warriors. Shaking his head in disapproval.

"William" I call his attention and he immediately look at me. He even point himself asking if I really call him and I just roll my eyes.

"What is wrong with them?" I ask him instead but he just shrug he's shoulder. I narrow my eyes at me looking if his really telling the truth.

"I swear I don't really know. Beside they just started this morning" he explain and I nod my head in understanding.

I turn my attention back to the warriors but they all look in different direction. I sigh in their reactins.

"Tell me what is wrong with everyone" I ask them calmly. I am about to lost my hope when someone from the back raise her hand.

Warriors doesn't only consist of men like others think. Here men and women are given a chance to choose what they want to do in this coven.

"Everyone was thinking until when you will train us? Because your going to be a queen and this task is not given to you" she ask and bow her head.

"To answer your question, I don't know. But it doesn't mean that you all need to lost focus. This also show weakness when you are in battle field. Do not think things that are unnecessary when your fighting. Understand?" I ask them and they all answer yes.

They get back from their own training when someone called my attention.

"His highness wanted to meet you in his office" he said and I immediately roll my eyes.

And here I though I have gotten a time where I am free from duties being a royal.

"What is this, this time?" I ask defeated. Royal duties really suck.

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