Chapter 34: Luna

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We are walking right now towards Caden’s office. I am going to report the things I saw and need to improve for the pack warriors training. And because Jack is the gamma and is task for the training of the warriors he also need to know.

Jason really need to know.

After what happened earlier, no one ask anything or even said anything. Everyone was really curious of what just happened, including me.

But I think Jason has an idea. Even though he losses he have a very wide smile. Well actually I expect him to trash about his lose. Aren’t those the reactions guys have when they lose from girls?

It’s almost night and the training just finish. I didn’t meet Nathan this day. I think I can pay them a visit later. But this time I’m going to tell Caden. I don’t want to be scolded like a kid like last night

Jason knock at Caden’s office. When we heard the word ‘come in’ Jason open the door follow by Jack then me and Luke.

Caden look from his papers to us. Luke closes the door and we all went to Caden.

“How was training?” he ask looking at me in the process.

I didn’t answer him and just went to the couch in the left side of his office.

“Tiring” I answer after I seated. Luke follow me and silently sit beside me.

I lean in his shoulder  and close my eye. I am so tired.

Those wolves drained my energy.

I am just relaxing myself in Luke’s shoulder when all of the sudden he was replaced by Caden, startle from his action I seated straight and look at him wit questioning look and he just shrug his shoulders.

Jason and Jack seated in front of us with Jack’s confuse reaction about his alpha’s reaction. Luke just seated in the single chair not minding Caden’s behaviour.

Jack fake a cough making us look at him.

“So what do you think of the training? Reaction?” he awkwardly ask making them look at me.

“What do you want to hear first, good or bad?” I ask them and this time Caden is the one to answer.

“The bad I think? The bad news can be covered up by a good news right?” he answer unsure.

“Depends” I said and started to tell them the bad news I have to them.

“So for the bad news, they are too slow” I started saying ‘too’ long giving them look at me.

“I believe our warriors are the fastest we have” Jack defended.

“Well it is what you believe. They lack in stamina and reflexes especially when they are in human form. I think you should focus training them in their human form. I think it’s not all the time they will be in their wolf form” I said making them nod.

“Your beta is even slower when we spar earlier” I said looking at Jason who is still smiling like an idiot.

“You two spar?” Caden asks in disbelief and I nodded.

“Don’t worry bro, she win” he said making his smile more wider.

“Is there something else happened making this jerk smile like an idiot?” he asks looking at us.

“Actually there is alpha” Jack interferes.

“Let’s talk about it later” I said making them focus on me and making Caden look at me with his furrowed eyebrows.

I give him a reassuring smile that what happened was fine and he shouldn’t worry on it but I think he didn’t get it because his mood instantly change. I heave a sign before speaking again.

“For the good news, their reflexes and stamina were stronger in their wolf form. They can easily match the vampire speed but not fast enough”

“It is given no one can match your speed so for me the only problem is when they fight in their human form” Luke said interrupting me making me narrow my look at him.

“No one matches her speed? How about your king? Isn’t he fast enough to surpass her speed?” Jack asks making others nod in agreement and look at Luke waiting for answer.

He look at me first and when he saw me still narrowing my eyes at him he heave a sign.

“That’s different story and I am not in place to talk” he answer making the rest look at me.

“Wasn’t we suppose to talk about the training not my life?” I ask them but fact is I am changing the subject.

“So only their problem is when they are in human form? We can just fight in our wolf form then” Jack said making me shake my head.

“For how long? Remember your still a human. The stronger you human form the stronger your wolf  also. Remember that your wolf resides in your human body so it also depends in your human form” I explained making them nod their head.

“How do you know about that?” Caden asks looking at me. I look away from him and answer.

“It is just my theory, besides it’s the obvious thing I learn about”

“So your somewhat reading our background?” he asks again and I nodded my head not ashamed of what I am doing.

Seriously it’s nothing wrong.

“You’re doing a research about us?” Caden asks again in disbelief.

“Yes, and besides it’s not just your race, I also read others races” I explain but their suspicious look are still visible in their eyes.

“Seriously, if there is something up my sleeves I couldn’t do it for two main reasons” I said in a duh tone while rolling my eyes.

“And that’s?” Jason asks this time.

“First the truce” I said raising my finger showing a number one sign.

“Second?” Jason asks again.

“Because-“ I stop mid-sentence when I realize what’s the second.

I close my mouth instantly.

“Anyway, the point is I will not do anything to harm you” I said.

Caden look at me confuse on the second reason but I just shrug at him. He change his gaze again to everyone and calmly asks another question.

I feel like he will not this night end until I will told him the second reason. Why did it slip in my mouth? I should just use the truce but no. Me and my stupid mouth.

“What happened earlier by the way making Jason look like he win a lottery?”

I came back from my mental battle of how stupid I am when Caden asks that question.

We all look at Jason who knows what really happened earlier. But I think Luke also know about it, I don’t know how, because it looks like he isn’t bother about it.

“Well, my dear alpha, you know me and Claire spar earlier and of course she win. When she commanded me to submit to her with so much authority, it’s not only me who showed their submission but also everyone who are watching the fight” Jason explained happily.

Caden look at me for confirmation and when I sign and nodded my head in agreement of what happened earlier, his smile grows wider like what Jason has.

I think it is only me and Jack who is still loss of ideas.

“Why did others submit?” I asks warily. I saw Jason nodded towards Caden and he looks at me happily.

“Because what happened earlier is the proof that you really are my luna, our luna” he explained cupping my check and kiss me.

I didn’t mind the kiss but the my focus is on what he said.

Me going to be a luna? Just like what the fuck?

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