Chapter 26: Truth

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Everyone look at Miku and Andrew was shock seeing her mate in the door.

“What’s happening?” she asks

I look at Logan giving him a signal to protect Miku if ever a fight will broke again.

“Nothing, they are just playing who is more stronger” Logan answer while walking towards her. Miku look at me and I know she is not dumb enough not to realize the situation.

I went to Andrews wardrobe that is here, you might be wondering why there is a wardrobe inside the office but before Miku came, this is like Andrew’s room and he never get out of this room.

I take pants and t-shirt for Caden. They seem to have same body shape so I think it’s fine.

“Shift, Caden” I ask him calmly which he abide quickly and get dress.

“You're taking this far Andrew and your hurting not only yourself but someone else” I said.

“Please take a sit and lets start from the start again” I added and this time I am the one who sit in the single sofa.

Caden take the single sofa opposite to mine and Miku, Andrew and Logan take the sit on my right and like earlier Jason take the sit on my left side.

“I think you need to know the truth before you went go berserk. And I don’t see any future with this truce of you don’t know the truth” I explain looking directly at him.

“But it doesn’t change everything after you will learn the truth” Andrew added making Caden furrow his brows.

“And I hope this secret will be kept here only in this room” Miku said calmly.

“You can trust me and Jason” Caden said pointing Jason.

“We can trust you in this matter but your beta?” Logan said looking at Jason.

“His my friend and I know him very well” Caden defended.

“And beside I will not do anything to harm my luna” Jason said looking at me and smile warmly.

“Okay first of all the engagement between me and Andrew is fake. That is why there is no weeding. In fact, Miku is his real mate and as you can understand now it is Miku’s son not mine” I said pointing to the two I mean three because Ken is still on Miku’s arm.

And just like we expect shock was written in the face of two wolves.

“Now that you learn the suppose queen, and that my real rank is the head of the warriors. Please act like you didn’t know anything after you leave this office and make a treaty peacefully” I told them looking at Caden then to Andrew.

“Then, she can go with me in the pack where she truly belong” Caden said but Miku shakes her head.

“I’m afraid we can’t do that alpha” she said.

“And why is that? She’s not your true queen” Jason ask confused.

“Because this is the only way to protect, Claire. Letting everyone know that Claire is Andrew’s mate” Miku explain.

“Please enlighten me” Jason said. Andrew sign and this time he's the one who explained.

“Claire has some sort of a unique ability. She can hide her true scent or change it into a human scent. Those rogues want her blood. Using her blood can give you those abilities. If they have her blood they can easily sneak out to the coven without someone noticing them” after explaining Jason look at me in horror.

“But the pack I have is strong enough and we can ensure her safety with me” Caden said making me look at him.

Even though I told him the danger I have he still wants me to come with him. Is this because of the mate bond? I am so overwhelm I don’t know why. Maybe because of his persistent to have me in his life or the fact that even though I shut him out he still make a way to have me.

Then I remember what he told me last time in his room.

“I’m going to make sure that at the end of the day you will still end up with me and I will prove to you that the moon goddess didn’t made my mistake”

I look at him and he I now staring at me. He is very determined to have me making my inside to go wild if that is even possible.

“It still can make her in danger-“ Andrew said but I stop him quickly.

“Not only me but of course, Miku and Ken. If they learn that I am not really his mate they will go not only to me but also to Miku” I explain.

“That’s why it’s better this way” I added not leaving his eye contact with me.

“Why are you so overprotective to her?” Caden ask but this time he is looking at Andrew.

“Growing up together and living together in this palace for years not to mention she can easily to be with, you can really learn to be attach to her” Andrew said like he doesn’t care in the world.

“Aren’t you jealous that your mate is with someone else” Jason ask Miku making Logan laugh and me and Miku to giggle.

“No why would I? And beside aren’t they look cute together? Andrew can’t even resist Claire and Claire always win in their argument” Miku explain making the two wolves leave speechless.

Who wouldn’t, knowing your mate don’t care tjat you're with someone else? That’s really something. Well we still didn’t drop the bomb so let us leave it that way.

“Okay how about this, we all know that mates can’t be away from each other for a very long time that is why I am thinking why not send Claire to the pack where her mate is and let just show that Claire is there for a look out or to help for training” Miku explain changing the topic like knowing the time for the truth can’t be said right now which is actually funny.

“She’s right” Jason agreed.

“No I can’t do that. I can’t send her away again. I don’t want her to leave me again” Andrew burst out.

“They are mates bro” Logan said patting his shoulder.

“And beside she’s a warrior general, she can take care of herself” Logan explain. “But you’re still our little princess” Logan said looking at me making me laugh.

“Let her have choose what she want” Miku said making them all look at me.

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