Chapter 47: Disagreement

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“You don’t believe me, and you also thinks I bring harm to your pack, you saw what happened to your pack member, now tell me. Does our tasks done and we can  go back to our coven”

“Send her back, Den” Cresilda the bitch said and making also those stupid naïve wolves to agree.

“Alpha” both Jason and Jack called his attention but I didn’t dare to look at them.

“Answer me alpha Caden”

“He doesn’t need you vampire, and we don’t need you in our pack”

“Send her back”

“We don’t need her”

I heard everyone said.

“We need our Luna, alpha.” I heard Wendy said. Making everyone agree to her not knowing that she meant me.

“If you going to send the vamps back, I’m coming with my mate and my suppose Luna” she continued making everyone gasp in shock.

“Wendy, Cresilda is our Luna” I heard a feminine voice said and I don’t care who said it.

“If you not going to answer then I will make mine” I said before Wendy can answer .

“Claire I think we should talk about this first” Caden said looking like his pleading.

“Let’s talk in your office then. And I don’t want that bitch to follow" I said looking at Cresilda.

We all walk in his office in silence and when I meant we I mean, Caden, me, Jason, Jack, Luke and Wendy. Wendy insisted to come especially the talk also concern his mate.

We all came inside and take a seat. Wendy and Luke on my both side while Caden sit across from me and the other two also seated beside him.

“Claire, this is just a misunderstanding. You don’t need to decide quickly” Caden said.

“Well first of all, you don’t trust me, your mate. And you believe that slut-“

“Don’t call her that” he said cutting me off just to defend her. I smirk from his reaction.

“You have your own answer as to why I want to leave. We may be mates but you don’t trust me. Clearly you trust someone else. And besides everyone in your pack believe she’s your mate/Luna anyway. I don’t see any point from this discussion”

“Were leaving tomorrow, and I want to bring Wendy with me as you all know that he is Luke’s mate” I said making Jack and Jason look at Wendy and Jason back and forth.

“Do I need to know why you’re acting like this ever since Cres came?” he calmly asks looing defeated.

“Obviously alpha, she’s jealous” Jason said making Jack and Luke nodded in agreement while I rolled my eyes when Caden look at quickly.

“I’m not” I said crossing my arms.

“Yes you are, Claire” Luke said.

“And why would you be jealous?” Caden said and a smile was starting to form in his face.

“Should I knock his head somewhere?” Luke asks rolling his eyes.

“Isn’t is obvious alpha? Because Cresilda is clinging at you like a leech, no offence to the both of you who’s her friends” Jack said.

“Actually after learning that Cresilda is not really your mate I felt relieve. She’s a two face bitch you know” he continued. Jack’s words making me felt relieve. At least its’ not only me who doesn’t like her.

“How can you say that?” Jason asks.

“When you two were little I saw her bullying an omega. It’s not my first time to saw that. And because I am not old and afraid to be in your bad side I kept it not until now that I am supposed to lose my real Luna” he explained.

“Yeah, don’t forget what she did to the maid she kidnapped just to kill her in the woods” Wendy said cooly like she’s just statin the weather.

Everyone snaps their head at her.

“What?” she asks.

“You saw that?” Jack asks making Caden and Jason look at them back and forth.

“I think so, because it is my greatest nightmare” she said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“How can we know that you two are not just plotting it?” Caden seriously asks.

“Alpha, because I think she’s a traitor” he said calmly.

“Don’t you find it odd, after her disappearance or vacation on somewhere the number of attacks lessen. I think she’s the mole in the pack” he said.

“We still need to investigate that” Caden said.

“So, does the Luna still going to leave?” Wendy cautiously asks.

“I will not let her, not now that I learn that what I heard about her being a two face bitch is real” he said.

“But you don’t trust me” I said.

“And that’s the biggest mistake” he said looking directly at my eyes.

Hearing him said that I felt my heart warm and all the anger I felt towards him vanish. Stupid mate bond. I look away from him hiding the embarrassment that started to creep inside of me.

After all the drama that happened earlier. What a biggest turn of event.

“When are you going to announce her as our Luna?” Jack asks Caden.

“Yeah when?” Jason added.

“Tomorrow if I want to, but I also need to tell Andrew about my plans. Especially that the vampires though that Andrew and Claire are mates where in fact they are-“ Caden suddenly stop talking.

The big bad alpha has also a big mouth. To the point he almost slip the truth to the traitor. I wonder why he also said thosw things.

“I think we need to start finding the headquarters of those rogue before. Especially their leader” I said changing the subject but I know he’s now curious.

I look at Caden and glare at him.

And because the event turned out pretty good, I am still staying in this pack and Caden and Jason will just explain some bluff to the pack because they can’t still announce I am their luna.

“I don’t know that alpha also have a big mouth for gossips” I tease as we enter the library.

“I’m sorry okay” he said making me laugh.

“I also don’t know you have the fastest mood swings” he tease making me roll my eyes at him.

“Not to leave the part where you become jealous” he added

“Shut up” I said rolling my eyes at him.

“It’s not like you don’t get jealous on my own brother” I tease also.

And the day ends where we solve our problems easily. I hope we can survive every challenge that comes in our way as easily as this.

But I know there is more like this to happen any day.

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