Chapter 56: As The War Started

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Caden, my brother, Andrew, Luke and the others already leave earlier. There is only about 200 warriors left to protect the pack house and its people who don’t know how to fight.

I watch as the warriors stood still and their guards up. I am in the balcony in Caden’s room. I look in the sky again and soon the moon will be in its peak.

I heave sign and went outside the pack house. I also put on the hood of the coat I am wearing. Once we have the signal that the battle starts I will leave from here and move to the main battle grounds.

I am not just going to stand here. I feel anxious just by being here. With that thought in mind I descended in the stairways and went outside the pack house.

“They are here”

We heard Caden said through our link, and I know other warriors heard it also taking their guards up if it is still possible.

There stances and very tense body are visible. I slip away from them and make my way at the back door of the pack house from the kitchen side.

No one can saw me here especially that it is also dark from this place. I conceal my scent and make my way to the forest without them noticing me.

I held my sword tighter from my hold and using my heightened speed and enhance hearing I can say that I am near in the battle ground as the sound of cries in the battle were heard.

But I came to a halt when I passed someone I never expected to see here. But I know I will see him in the battle ground but not here.

I hold my sword in front of me and ready myself for any attack.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here” he said tauntingly.

I didn’t made any move as he walk back and forth in front of me.

“You know that you’re just making this easy to us” he said with a smirk.

“No, I think, you’re the one who’s making it easy for us, Jack” I said.

“And why is that?” he ask.

“Because you’re going to be dead” I said and launch myself towards him but he easily avoided the attack but not too fast making my sword came contact with his arms that is now bleeding.

I look at him with a smirk once he saw the damage I created.

“Don’t you think you should withdraw this fight and leave in peace Jack Jones?” I said while looking at him firmly.

“Jones? You think I am the son the well-known experimental hybrid, Nicholas Jones?” he said with a smirk.

“I don’t think, I know” I said and launch another attack but this time he shifted in his wolf form and attack me.

I am about to stab him with my sword when I felt a bite on my shoulder making me cry in pain.

Using my free arms I punch the wolf’s snout releasing me. Now it is not just me and Jack but also another five wolves.

“To scared to be killed by a girl that’s why you called a backup?” I taunted clutching my bleeding shoulder that is now starting to heal easily as the bite is not that deep.

“You know, aside from the idea of killing you to use your ability of hiding scent. You also need to be gone as you learn a secret that is not to be known” he said standing in front of me while other wolves surrounded me.

I can’t fight them all in once.

“And you need to be dead, as you create havoc and danger to our race”  I said and take down the wolf in my back easily and run towards the main area of the battle.

It is a very big and spacious clearing inside the forest. The new moon tainted with blood color shining brightly in the sky as if it really knows that these thing may happen.

I spotted a guy in an all-black outfit from the opposite direction. It just stand there and not moving. I think that is the thing they used so that they think that it is really Nicholas Jones, the head of the rogues.

I spotted my mate and brother fighting a wolf that keep blocking their way to the guy, which I think is a clone.

I look at my back seeing that Jack still didn’t saw me. Using that opportunity I ran towards the direction of the black outfit man. But this stupid rogues won’t let me.

I angrily take their heart in instant once they block my pathway. But I need to take down others in a hard way.

As soon as I came towards my target, I easily take the clothes showing what is really inside. A metal thing that is built like a man.

“This is who you protect?!” I shouted amidst the war that is happening making stop and look at me.

Caden look at me in shock seeing that I clearly disobey his order of staying in the pack house.

“This is who you protect? With all your life and give your trust?” I ask looking at every rogue thoroughly making them growl.

“What?! Your mad from me now?! Pathetic” I said walking back and forth from my place not leaving my gaze to them.

“What now? Cat get your tongue?” I smirk when all of the sudden everyone move like a red sea making the center of this war to pass.

“Well, you see princess, everyone needed to put a facade to hide. In this case to hide the truth” he said lifting both of his hands motioning to the thing behind me.

“And you all fall from it” he said with a smirk and before I know it I am surrounded with every rogue.

“Claire!” I heard my name being shouted but I didn’t have time to know who is it as my mind is what is in front of me.

They make everyone believe that it is Nicholas who is at fault. They knew I might figure it out. They lure me. They wanted me to do this and now I am surrounded with bunch of rogues ready to kill me any second and my comrades is far from me.

“Bastard” I cuss.

“And just like I told you, you’re just making this easy for us” he said.

I look at Caden and my brother to see them making their way towards me but with the rogues stopping them it is impossible.

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