Like what?

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I just arrived at my hotel in Chicago. It's so cold! And I see one of my fans with a blanket wrapped around him,waiting for me. I get out and walk over to him. There's so many paparazzi guys but I don't care. "Hey baby!" I said "oh my god! Hi lana! I've been waiting for you since 12 this afternoon!" "Aww" I said hugging him "you're crazy! It's so cold! "It's worth it though." He said crying. "You're so cute!whats your name?" I said hugging him again." I'm Adam!" Here's let's take a picture then I'll sign your stuff okay?" I said. "Oh my god okay, thank you so much." I hold his camera and take a picture of us because he's still shaking and crying. Then I sign a few of the stuff he brought. "Where are you staying baby?" I said. "In my tent over there." He pointed to this corner on the side walk. "You can't stay in a tent! It's like 20 degrees outside." I say in disbelief. "Where do you live?" "I live 6 hours away. I don't mind, that's the only way I could see you." "Come on come with me, I'm going to get you a room for tonight." "Really? Oh my god. Thank you so much lana" Adam said. I grab his hand and we head inside.

"Miss,Elizabeth? I'll take you to your room." An Employee says. "Okay thank you just one second." I walk over to the front desk with Adam. "Yes ma'am how can I help you?" The woman at the counter said. "Hey, id like to get one room for tonight please." I reply. "Yes ma'am just fill out this paper for me and I'll have it right away." "Thank you" I said. I fill out the paper while Adam is standing next to me still in disbelief. "There you go!" I said handing the paper to the woman and handing her my card, she scans it and hands it back. "Here's your key you're in room 214." "Thank you!" I said I take the key and give it to Adam. "There you go baby. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. Are you coming to the show?" "Lana thank you so so much! You're so sweet oh my god. Yes I'm coming to the show. Then I have to catch my bus home." "It was absolutely no problem. So I'll see you tomorrow! Goodnight." "Goodnight lana! Love you! Thank you again." Adam said. "You're welcome honey, love you too."

I walk inside my hotel room and lay on my bed. I look at Twitter and there's a tweet from "@AdamDelRey" he tweeted the picture of us and said that I got him a hotel room and how sweet I was. Lol! Who wouldn't do that for their fans though. I love them! I followed Adam then retweeted his picture of us. My phone rings , Francesco is calling! "Hey baby!" I said. "Hey darling. How was your flight?" Francesco says. "It was good. Long. I wish you were here." "Good. You know I wish I was too." "I'm in this big empty hotel room all by myself. Imagine what we'd do if you were here." I said. "Stopp don't tease me like that baby." "Hehe. Chuck will be here later tonight anyhow." I said laughing. "Oh good,you hate being alone." Francesco says. "Yeah,but you and Chuck are good at not making me feel alone." "That's what we're for! Hey babe I have to go now. But I love you. And I'll call you tomorrow. Goodnight beautiful." Francesco says. "I love you too. Goodnight baby."

Chuck is here! We're both watching tv and I'm in my white pajama shirt that's long enough that I don't have to wear pants. That's the way I like it! Chuck brought pizza and coke. My favorite things. The door knocks "I'll get it." I said. I open the door and its barrie. What is he doing here? I hope the paparazzi didn't see him. I think they left though. "Hey love,you look good" "What are you doing doing here Barrie?" I said. "Can I just talk to you for a minute ,please." "Fine.. Chuc-" before finishing my sentence Chuck says "I'll go to the lobby and...get some napkins or something." Chuck says as she walks past barrie and leaves. "Well.... come inside." I said.

Barrie comes inside and sits on my bed. I'm standing by my bed with my arms crossed. "So what are you doing here." "You can't tell me that you don't miss me Lana." Barrie says as he pulls me closer to him. I push his hands off of me and say "It's not about if I miss you or not. It's about how bad you treated me." "Like when??" Barrie says. Oh no he didn't. I'm about to get fucking pissed. "Like when???? Like when I came home after a month of touring and you hadn't visited me and I just wanted it to be me and you and your friends were there smoking weed and you know I don't do that anymore but you still had them in my house smoking. Then you tried to make me smoke with you when you knew it was hard for me to quit a while ago. And you always try to make me have a drink with you. After you knew what happened to me in the past. Oh or like when I took you to the award show with me and you rushed me the whole time and acted like a dick to everyone just so we could go home and fuck. That's why barrie. I'm over it. I'm done. I have nothing left I want to say. You really need to leave." "Fine...whatever. I'll leave." Barrie says as he gets up pushes past me and leaves and slams the door.

I sit on my bed and put my head in my hands. He just makes me so worn out. Chuck comes back in. I think she heard what I said to Barrie. "Oh lana I'm sorry. Are you okay?" She says. "I'm just tired. Just really tired. Of everything." I say, I let out just one tear."I know you are. He's crazy. And not worth your time. We just need to block him off completely. Francesco loves you so much Lana." "I know, I do too. Just when you've been with someone for so long they have a huge impact in your life. Thanks Chuck for the pizza and everything but I think I'm just going to go to sleep." I say wiping my eye. "Okay, I understand. You've got a show tomorrow anyways." Chuck says and we both get up, she hugs me then goes to her bed. Chuck pulls out her phone and text's francesco "you need to surprise lana and come see her tomorrow. After her show. Barrie just came by,nothing to worrie about,he's gone. But she's just not feeling good at all. He said some things to her and made her upset." Chuck sends the text then francesco answers "I'm buying my ticket now. What a fucking dick. I wish I could beat him up. Thank you for telling me Chuck. Will be there as soon as I can. Love you guys." Chuck smiles at her phone then turns out the light.

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