Intermisson 3

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You looked down at the Turner Miguel had completed. After telling everyone what had transpired over the 3 SECONDS YOU WERE GONE, you had a chance to look at the new device.

Miguel: It can do everything the old one did but this one can also tell you how long you've been gone.

Y/N: Neat.

You replaced the old one with the new one and tossed the old one to Riri. Now both leaders had one.

Y/N: How are things with you and Lyla going?

Miguel: Me and Lyla? What do you mean?

Y/N: Well, I mean, are you being nice to her?

Miguel gave it some thought.

Miguel: I mean, yeah. I am. We actually had a conversation. It wasn't all that bad.

Y/N: Great! Look at the two of you. Almost friends.

You both looked over to Lyla who was talking to Doreen and Katie. She started to laugh and you saw Miguel stuck in a daze.

Y/N: You look happy.

Miguel snapped out of his trance and shook his head.

Miguel: Whatever.

He walked away and you smirked. You walked over to Lyla just as she finished her conversation.

Lyla: Oh! Hey Y/N. Did you need something?

You shook your head.

Y/N: I was hoping we could talk. In private?

Lyla looked nervous.

Lyla: Sure. I guess we could.
You were standing on the roof of the Avengers HQ with Lyla sitting next to you.

Lyla: Sooooo....what did you want to talk about?

Y/N: Miguel said you can feel emotion and stuff.

Lyla: Yeah. I ain't joining that weird harem thing Cat has going on.

You rolled your eyes.

Y/N: It's not about that. I barely even know you.

Lyla: And I've known you for a few hours.

Y/N: Glad we're on the same page. This is about Miguel.

Did she just blush? AIs can blush? Viv was understandable but an AI? How does that even work?

Lyla: I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh. She was this kind of girl.

Y/N: I can see you blushing and I can tell that you're trying to get closer to him. I have 6 girlfriends Lyla. I know these things.

Lyla sighed.

Lyla: So I have a crush on him. Big deal.

You frantically waved your arms around in frustration.

Y/N: It is! A huge deal! Lyla, you like Miguel. You have these emotions and you're saying it's not a big deal?

Lyla: It's not. I know nothing will come from it.

You rolled your eyes. Was it this frustrating for Venom when he helped you and Felicia?

Y/N: He likes you to Lyla.

She looked at you in shock.

Y/N: He's trying to be nicer and he keeps looking at you.

Lyla looked down at her hands.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now