The Story of The Iron Fist

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The sun rose upon the city the never sleeps a bit too fast for the likes of some people. The bright light shined through the blinds of one particular apartment and onto two sleeping figures. Both groaned as they attempted to block it out with the blankets but they were unsuccessful.

Cindy: We need better blinds.

Danny: We need to manage our time better.

The blonde boy eventually gave up and got out of bed to close the blinds tighter. Since he was already up, he decided to get his day started so he grabbed his phone. He walked to the kitchen and started a fresh pot of coffee before he started breakfast.

The apartment wasn't much but it was theirs. The old coffee table they got from Spidey's old place was set infront of Luke's old couch. Most of everything was either given to them or they had found at some cheap store but it worked. It felt like a home which was all they could ask for. As Danny cooked the eggs for him and Cindy, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his bare chest. He smiled at the familiar scent.

Danny: Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?

Cindy: I have the week off.

She sighed before letting go to sit at the table. Danny finished up his breakfast and set a plate for her. He took a seat across from his girlfriend who began to drool over the delicious food.

Cindy: I don't deserve you.

Danny: I think you deserve everything you have.

Cindy: I was talking to the eggs.

She smirked teasingly as Danny sipped on his coffee. He reached into his sweats and checked his phone. Jessica had texted him to remind him of their dinner tonight. He sent back a text to confirm and tucked it back into his pocket. He suddenly found Cindy holding a wrapped present.

Danny: What's this?

Cindy: Your Christmas present. I know it's a bit late but, it came in last night.

Danny smiled a bit. They spent Christmas together and he had given her a necklace he had found. He took the gift and slowly opened it. Cindy watched as his face lit up.

Danny: This is...

Cindy: I know how much you hate using that rag to cover your face. I got this made just for you.

Danny held up the new mask. It had been a year since his last one was destroyed in a fight. He stood up and walked over to his girlfriend to give her a kiss.

Danny: This is amazing. Thank you so much.

Cindy: You deserve everything you have.
Danny leaned back and sighed. His eyes drifted over to the calendar on their wall. Has it really been this long?

Cindy: What's on your mind?

Danny: Just thinking. The past 2 years have been weird.

Cindy laughed.

Cindy: That's an understatement. Ever since we left the Program, things have been different.

Danny nodded. It wasn't long after Widow returned and told everyone what had happened. You and Nadia went away so you could acquire the power necessary to defeat the Celestials. After that the fighting stopped but, Danny felt like his calling was somewhere besides the Avengers. Cindy left with him while some of the others left for their own reasons.

The last two years had been great but he did wish that you and Nadia were here to experience it with everyone. He understood why you left, he just wish you didn't. Everyone felt like that even after the rift between everyone.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now