M.F | Catching Feelings.

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A/n: i miss this kind of Bieber ajdhahs

Miles woke up feeling great, which was new.

Even Flora was confused, he's been smiling to himself all day yesterday.

They were now eating breakfast, Flora enjoying her pancakes as Miles finished his.

"thanks for the food! It's delicious! " he said as he smiled, skipping and hopping his way back to his room.

"what's up with him?"

"i don't know, can i have more syrup?"

time skip.

Miles heard their doorbell rang, he got down to open it.

Flora was on her way to answer the door, until Miles stopped her.

"I'll take it Flora, you go play."

"oh, thanks Miles. "

Miles gladly opened the door, to reveal Y/n L/n.

His long time crush.

"Hey Miles!"

"what's up Y/n? Come in!" Miles said giving her a bright smile.

"you have a lovely home Miles" Y/n said as she looked around.


"yeah! This looks incredibly vintage, I love it." she smiled at him.

Miles just smiled back, he took her hands pulling her on the way to his room.

"come on, let's start on that project!"

They got in his room, Y/n put down her stuff as Miles took out his supplies.

"so how are we gonna do this?" Miles asked.

"i think we have to do a research before assembling this, so we can figure out what part is which" Y/n said as she smiled at him.

They started their research, them attentively writing down information with Miles taking glances of the girl from time to time then smiling to himself.


Flora came in, waving at Y/n.

"is that the girl you wrote about in your journal? The girl you've been catching feelings on-" Flora whispered until Miles covered her mouth.

"where did you find my journal?" he whispered back.

Good thing Y/n was wearing earphones.

"you left it downstairs last night, you were too busy day dreaming about her." Flora explained smiling at her brother.

"fine- just don't tell anyone okay?"

Flora got close to Miles then whispered.

"she's very pretty, Miles."

Y/n looked up at the two, as Flora stood up then walked up to Y/n then gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheeks.

"let's play dollies later okay?" Flora said.

"ofcourse!" Y/n said as she gave Flora a pinky promise.

Miles smiled at the two, they look adorable.

Flora got out, leaving the two again.

"hey Y/n..."

"yeah Miles?"

Miles sat beside her, giving her a shy smile.

"i-i like you." he said looking down.

"really?" Y/n asked.

"d-do you like me too? I-i'm sorry just forget about what i said don't min-"

Y/n gave him a kiss on the cheeks, then smiled at him.

"I'm starting to."

Iᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ A Wᴏʀʟᴅ Lɪᴋᴇ Tʜᴀᴛ! [𝙁. 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙] 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦.Where stories live. Discover now