M.F |"she took care of her like she's her very own child."

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A/n: honestly didn't understand what the hell happened to Kate in the movie, but in this imagine she's gone mad ok?

T/n: your twin's name!!!! (you'll understand later 😉)

"FLORA?! FLORA WHERE ARE YOU???" Y/n shouted all over the house looking for the little girl.

"hey Y/n!"

Y/n saw Flora holding her doll with a picnic basket.

"goodness you scared me! Where were you?" Y/n said chuckling ruffling thr little girl's hair.

"i was preparing for a picnic for us! And Miles is coming too!" Flora said opening the picnic basket showing Y/n the food she prepared.

Time went by, the three were still outside hanging out just eating while laughing at everything.

"Flora this was lovely, thanks for this cutie." Y/n said kissing Flora's forehead.

"I'm glad you didn't put any doll food in these things" Miles said examining the sandwich Flora made.

"oh Miles" Flora said rolling her eyes at her brother.

*time skip*

Y/n and Miles were now sleeping peacefully in their bedroom as they heard a loud thud in Flora's bedroom.

"Miles? Di-did you hear that?" Y/n said quickly sitting up.

"Y-yeah I think it came from Flora's-"

Y/n quickly stood up then ran to the little girls bedroom.

"Flora?" Y/n said as she entered her room.

"Y/n! HELP ME!"

Y/n turned around to see Kate dragging little Flora with her.



Y/n ran towards the window where Kate was dragging Flora out.

"MILES HELP!" Y/n scream as she took Flora's hands but Kate was taller and stronger than her.

"LET GO YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Kate screamed back.

"FLORA BABY, DON'T LET GO. DON'T LET GO OF MY HANDS ALRIGHT" Y/n said to the little girl that was crying.

"KATE LET GO OF HER! YOU'RE THE CRAZY ON-" before Y/n could finish, Kate stabbed her with a knife she was hiding.

"Y/N!" Flora screamed in terror seeing Y/n drown in her own blood while holding onto her tightly.

Miles came in seeing his girlfriend fighting for her life while still holding onto his little sister.

"MILES HELP ME!" Flora cried.

'hold ont-to me F-Flora ok-okay? " Y/n shouted thru the pain she's felling right now from the knife that's stuck on her back.

Miles ran to the three girls as Miles tried to fry Katie's tight grip on Flora.

"LET GO OF HER!" Miles shouted as he pushed Kate, falling into the woods.

"Miles!" Flora cried as she held on to her brother out the window, her hands slipped from Y/n's grip.

"come on Flora, come on sis just hold on tighter" Miles whispered as he slowly lifted her off the dangerous window.

Y/n on the other hand, stood up with all her strength to help Miles.

"Y/n baby don't move-"

"I'm alright Mi-Miles, alright Flora help me on this one baby." she said as she grabbed Flora's other hand.

They successfully got Flora out of the window, as Miles hugged his sister tightly.

"thank god you're safe." he whispered as Flora continued to cry.

Y/n was just smiling at the two as they all heard a loud bang.

It was Kate.

Holding a gun.

She shot Y/n.

"give me the little girl." Kate said as she dropped the gun.

Miles and Flora stared at Y/n's body on the floor.

"Y/N!!!!" Flora screamed as all the glass in the room cracked.

Kate covered her ear, then started hitting her head repeadly.

"you're insane." Miles said, about to attack Kate.

As they heard a gun trigger from behind.

"don't move."

It was Y/n.

(A/n: this is so unrealistic she was literally stabbed on her shoulders and got shot with a gun on the other but we all know that Y/n's THAT girl sooooo hehe.)

Miles and Flora stared at Y/n with terror, seeing blood on both of her shoulders, and her slowly choking on her own blood.

"Y/n d-don-"

"I SAID DON'T FUCKING MOVE!" Y/n shouted as she shot the ceiling ruining the chandelier, Miles covering Flora's ears from the loudness of the gun.

Kate stared at Y/n, then ran to attack her.

Then there goes another gun shot.

It wasn't from Y/n.

They looked at the girl standing on the door that shot Kate to her death.

"Y/N'S TWIN?!" Flora shouted.

"shut up and help me with my sister."

*a month later.*

Miles was just staring at the bright blue sky, with Flora running after a butterfly.

And a girl that has the same face of his girlfriend.

"she took care of her like she's her very own child."

Miles looked at T/n.

"i knew all about it, she kept updating me on what's happening with you guys. She loved Flora so much." T/n said, laying her hands on her sister's grave slowly caressing it.

Miles felt himself shed a tear.

"i remember her telling me that she would die for the three of us any day, i thought she was joking. But she clearly wasn't."

"she always loved my sister." Miles whispered, as the butterfly lay on his shoulder.

"Miles don't move!" Flora giggled looking at the butterfly.

The butterfly started flying away.

"time to go Flora, we'll visit Y/n again soon." T/n said holding Flora's hand.


"promise." T/n said ruffling Flora's hair.

It gave Miles' chills remembering Y/n.

"you coming, Miles?" T/n asked.

Miles looked at her and smiled.

"I'll catch up."

T/n smiled back and went to the car with Flora.

Miles looked at Y/n's grave for the millionth time.

"was that your way of saying goodbye?" Miles whispered.

"she turned into a butterfly to come here, you gently lay on top of my shoulder like you always did before with your head." he thought.

Miles saw the butterfly again, on top of a flower.

He looked at it and smiled.

"I'm glad you're still watching over us, God knows how thankful I am to have an angel like you. Thank you for everything, love. You'll always be in  my heart. I love you so fucking much, I owe everything to you." Miles whispered.

The butterfly flew away, on its way to its new adventure.

Miles looked at the sky.

"I'll see you on the other side, angel."

Iᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ A Wᴏʀʟᴅ Lɪᴋᴇ Tʜᴀᴛ! [𝙁. 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙] 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora