Chapter 10: Don't Go Easy on Her

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The maid and another servant shared a look and moved quickly. They grabbed onto Shen Jiani, and in the struggle, her scarf fell to the ground.

"Let me go! What are you guys up to?" Shen Jiani didn't expect Hu Yuzhi to be serious. She really was going crazy, restricting her freedom like this.

"What are we up to? This is what you get for disobeying your elders!" Hu Yuzhi pointed her finger at Shen Jiani's nose, cursing her out for being ungrateful.

"Honestly, ask yourself if you're even an elder?" Shen Jiani smirked, her smile tinged with sadness. "What elder gets someone drunk and sends them to an older man's bed? Elder? Haha, how can you even say that."

"Shen Jiani!"

Hu Yuzhi covered her chest, almost blacking out with anger.

Yin Shuyao couldn't hold back. She rushed to Shen Jiani's side and, with the servants holding her down, landed a loud slap on her face. "Who allowed you to talk to my mom like that?"

Shen Jiani's face was knocked to the side, her mouth tingling, a metallic taste filling her mouth.

Hu Yuzhi, slightly relieved, didn't want to look at Shen Jiani anymore to avoid getting even angrier. She coldly ordered the maid, "Tie her up with a rope and lock her in the attic. Send someone to notify Qin Zong's house, just say that Shen Jiani has been found, and let him deal with her as he pleases."

Shen Jiani's widened eyes turned red as she looked straight at the person speaking. Her lips trembled, emitting a hoarse voice. "My parents are watching from heaven. Treating me like this will bring you bad karma."

Hu Yuzhi's temple twitched. "What are you waiting for? Take her away!"

Shen Jiani bit her lip, turned her shoulder, and made a desperate dash for the door.

"You haven't had your dinner yet. Two of you can't handle one person." Hu Yuzhi roared from behind.

The moment Shen Jiani's hair was grabbed, her heart sank into an ice cave, no different from waking up that night to find herself tied to a stranger's bed...

The door was pushed open, and dim daylight seeped in from outside.

Yin Chengde was stunned by the scene before him before angrily shouting, "Is it even decent to cause such a scene in your own home? Let her go!"

As the head of the family, his words naturally carried weight. The maid and the other servant both let go and retreated to the corner, no longer interfering in their employer's family affairs.

Shen Jiani staggered a few steps, her hand resting on the sofa's armrest to keep herself from falling. Her face and lips were as white as a sheet, the redness from the slap making her look terrifying. There were signs of swelling on her forehead and mouth, and blood was flowing from her forehead. She looked like a torn ragdoll.

Yin Chengde walked up, his brows deeply furrowed. "How did it come to this?"

As his hand was about to touch Shen Jiani's cheek, she turned her head away, unwilling to trust anyone anymore. Her voice was faint. "Uncle, since I still call you uncle, can I leave?"

Yin Chengde paused and withdrew his hand.

Although he hadn't witnessed it himself, based on his understanding of his wife, he could imagine what had happened before he came home.

"Don't talk like a child. Where can you go if you leave?" Yin Chengde comforted her. "Just settle down and leave the rest to your uncle."

"You handle it? That sounds nice. How are you going to deal with Qin Zong?" Hu Yuzhi mocked him for being naive. "He called again this morning, and I answered. He's given us an ultimatum. Let's see what brilliant plan you have."

Yin Chengde's face froze, becoming serious.

Hu Yuzhi, with her head held high, sat down on the sofa, glaring at her husband. "Since we've offended the Qin family, do you really expect to turn things around? Everyone knows how powerful Qin Zhongtian is in Yicheng."

"Isn't it all because of you!" Yin Chengde's anger surged, suddenly directing it at his wife. "You and Shuyao told me that Jiani went willingly, but what happened? She was deceived into going! Do you have no conscience? She's my sister's only child left in this world, one of the few relatives I have left. You're heartless, sending her to a man you know is a pervert. If you hadn't come up with this rotten idea, how could we have gotten involved with someone like Qin Zhongtian?"

Confronted with her husband's accusations, Hu Yuzhi was initially incredulous. But when she realized what he was saying, she suddenly stood up, appearing like a shrew cursing in the street, not holding back in exposing her husband's hypocrisy. "I'm heartless? Do you not know what kind of person Qin Zhongtian is? Why didn't you step in to stop it at the time? Now you're pretending to be a saint in front of your niece. Yin Chengde, I hate it most when you pretend to be a gentleman because no matter how hard you try, you can never pull it off.

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