Chapter 60: Make Me Happy

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Shen Jianian managed to send all the emails to everyone on the list before noon, but her neck was so sore she could barely move it.

Checking her phone, it was already half past eleven, and she had to hurry to the airport.

After informing Zhu Milan, Shen Jianian picked up her bag from the chair and left a bit early, hailing a taxi to the airport.

Avoiding the lunch rush, the taxi ride was smooth. Despite the distance from Dongke Office Building to the airport, she still arrived about ten minutes late.

As she stepped out of the taxi, she rushed towards the airport exit.

Passengers from the recent flight were gradually leaving, and Bai Changxia stood alone, her figure magnified by the surroundings. She stood next to her silver-white suitcase, hand on the handle, looking around.

Their eyes met, and Shen Jianian's steps came to a halt. She pressed her hand against her chest, catching her breath.

Bai Changxia abandoned her suitcase and walked towards her. When they got closer, she could see Shen Jianian's thin face clearly. Bai Changxia's steps abruptly stopped, standing a few steps away, just staring at her intently.

There was surprise, reproach, and more than anything, relief.

Relief that Shen Jianian stood unharmed before her.

During those days when she didn't receive Shen Jianian's letters, Bai Changxia had countless worries. She feared that Shen Jianian couldn't bear the blow of losing both her parents and had hidden herself away.

But she was alive, and that was such a relief.

Bai Changxia took a deep breath, walked up to her, and hugged her tightly, patting her back with controlled force. "How could you take so long to contact me!"

Her words carried a tone of complaint, mixed with a hint of tears, both angry and sad.

Shen Jianian sniffed and buried her face in Bai Changxia's shoulder, holding back her tears. Even though she had countless words in her heart, she could only say three: "I'm sorry."

"Who wants to hear your apology!" Bai Changxia let her go, stepping back and scrutinizing her closely, rolling her eyes. "Did you forget how to eat? You're thin enough to be blown away by the wind."

Shen Jianian chuckled through her tears. "No way."

Bai Changxia turned back to pick up her suitcase and followed Shen Jianian out of the airport.

This was her first time in Yicheng, and every sight in this unfamiliar city felt fresh, but she had no spare energy to appreciate it.

Sitting in the back of the taxi, Shen Jianian gave the driver an address. When she turned her head, she found Bai Changxia looking at her.

"How did you come to Yicheng?" Bai Changxia took off her down jacket and held it in her arms, with so many questions she wanted to ask, but she started with the simplest one.

"I have relatives in Yicheng. I came over after something happened at home," Shen Jianian replied, her head bowed, fiddling with her nails, and pulling at her lips with a smile that was difficult to understand. "Let's not talk about it. I don't interact with them anymore."

Bai Changxia understood. It was exactly what she had guessed.

"You still have me." Bai Changxia hugged her shoulders, patting her reassuringly. "From now on, I've got your back. No one will dare to bully you."

Shen Jianian smiled and occasionally checked her phone for the time. She had to be back at work by two in the afternoon, so she had to leave early and couldn't be late.

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