Chapter 83: Don't Touch Me

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At the Fu family estate, the head butler, who was over fifty, hurried into the main hall without stopping and turned into the dining room, nearly colliding with a servant who was walking out.

Dodging at the last moment, the butler wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly approached Old Master Fu, whispering something in his ear with an anxious expression.

Seeing the old master's face darken, the others at the dinner table felt that something serious was amiss.

"Go and bring someone in," Old Master Fu instructed in a low voice.

"Yes," the instructed butler quickly turned around and hurried out of the main hall, breaking into a jog as soon as he stepped out.

After finishing his call with Shen Jianian, Fu Jichen put his phone in his pocket and returned to the dining room, only to notice that something was off. He sat down and asked Fu Feibai beside him, "What did they talk about when I wasn't here?"

Fu Feibai, with a hand covering his mouth, evasively replied, "The butler passed a message to Grandpa, and after hearing it, Grandpa's face changed. It seems like something big is happening, and everyone was too scared to speak."

The TV in the main hall was on, broadcasting the Spring Festival Gala skits. The laughter from the audience inside contrasted with the dead silence in the dining room.

Fu Jichen picked up a cigarette from the table, tapped it against the box, but before he could light it, he heard footsteps approaching.

He leaned to the side and glanced towards the main hall. The first to enter was the sweaty butler, followed by several policemen.

Old Master Fu stood up and walked to the main hall, his back straight and steady, exuding the demeanor of the head of the family.

The three policemen nodded respectfully when they saw the old man and the lead one politely explained their purpose, "Master Fu, it's impolite to disturb you on New Year's Eve, but we've received a report from the public. Third Master Fu is suspected of a case of assault. Please accompany us to the station for questioning."

Third Master Fu?

The people in the dining room looked towards Fu Huaxian after hearing the policeman's words. Some gloated secretly, some couldn't help but show worry, while others watched coldly.

Fu Jichen remained composed, the cigarette between his fingers untouched, as he played with the sleeping white jade lion in his hand.

Another policeman added, "Master Fu, please rest assured. We just need to ask Third Master a few questions according to regulations. If it's confirmed that he's not involved, we'll clear his name."

Fu Huaxian felt as if lightning had struck him, his face turning pale as he sat frozen in his chair, listening to Old Master Fu negotiate with the police.

Old Master Fu asked several questions, wanting to understand the specifics of the case to come up with a strategy.

Accustomed to storms, Old Master Fu remained clear-headed. He knew that if the police had come, they must have some evidence and wouldn't come empty-handed.

After some consideration, the police respectfully answered Old Master Fu's questions, "The case is currently under investigation, so we can't reveal too many details. Master Fu, we trust you. To give you a rough idea, the deceased is an eighteen-year-old girl surnamed Dong, a freshman at Beicheng Film Academy. She committed suicide by jumping off the Mandelli Hotel rooftop at 8:05 tonight, leaving a suicide note in her hotel room accusing Third Master of assaulting and abusing her."

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