Chapter 17 Personal Assistant

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Nothing much going on today, and man, does Zhe Yilan look different! She's ditched the usual office look.

Rocking a dusty pink silk cami paired with a matching lace skirt, slit on one side, showing off those smooth, creamy legs every now and then. Topped with a long trench coat, belt hanging loose at the waist. And those nude heels? They scream classy and elongate those legs for days!

She swaps the heels for slippers as she enters, eyes scanning the tea room, calming herself before strolling in.

Hit the hair salon this morning, and damn, her waves are on point! Dark, glossy, tied into a low ponytail with a few loose strands framing her face. Makeup's subtle, softening those eyes from their usual ice queen look, adding a touch of sparkle.

"Long time no see, Yilan! Looking stunning today," Landy compliments, teasingly, "You're giving off major K-drama lead vibes."

Yilan manages a smile, "Long time indeed, Landy."

"Wow, cold shoulder much? I'm always thinking about you," Landy feigns heartbreak, hand over his chest, "You're breaking my heart here."

Yilan, this girl, she's young but all business. Serious vibes, on and off the clock. That's why she's Mr. Fu's secretary, right? To Landy, she's like a female version of Stone, all business. He finds it amusing, always trying to tease her.

But Yilan ain't budging, keeping it polite, "Quit it, Landy."

"Landed yourself a meeting with the boss? Thought he had nothing on his plate this afternoon," Landy remarks, knowing Mr. Fu's free time, just killing time himself, checking out the estate, sipping on some of his fancy tea, maybe even scoring a free dinner.

Yilan's gaze shifts to the silent figure in the room.

He's lounging in the wooden chair, one hand resting on his knee, fingers twirling a black cord, white jade handle swaying in the air. He's got this laid-back vibe you rarely see in the business world, and damn, it's charming.

Getting her cool back, Yilan smoothly says, "Mr. Fu, brought the store clerks like you asked, they're waiting outside."

"What store clerks?"

Mr. Fu shifts, grabbing the host's teapot.

Dude's forgetful, Yilan steps a bit closer, dropping a hint, "You wanted me to pick up some everyday women's stuff yesterday, for the Rose Manor. Since I had time today, brought a few store clerks from different brands. Easy to exchange if anything doesn't fit."

Mr. Fu nods, pointing, "Third room on the right on the third floor, take them in, let her choose."

Yilan's slightly surprised, the girl's living on the third floor? That's Mr. Fu's private turf, off-limits without permission.

"Anything else?" Mr. Fu glances up, noticing her hesitation, lifting the glass teapot to refill cups, offering Landy and himself another round.

"No, I'll head up then."

Yilan reins in her slight annoyance, turning away, taking a deep breath, almost lost her cool there.

Behind her, Landy spits out his tea, too shocked, didn't even notice how hot it was. "Seriously, did that just happen?"

He's asking Mr. Fu, but Yilan hears, confused. Happen? What's he talking about?

Lost in her thoughts, Yilan leads six or seven women in professional attire upstairs. Each one's loaded with bags of all sizes, eager to explore the mansion's interior, dripping with luxury. Eyes darting around, they can't seem to take it all in, overwhelmed by the opulence.

Third floor, right turn, third room, doors slightly ajar.

From Yilan's perspective, the girl's curled up in a chair by the window, legs pulled up, chin resting on her knees, lost in thought, bathed in sunlight, radiant.

With Mr. Fu absent, Yilan's jealousy flares up. She takes a deep breath, knocks on the door, business mode on, "Hey, miss, I'm Yilan, Mr. Fu's secretary. He sent me up with some clothes and stuff for you."

Her drifting thoughts snapped back, Jiani glances over, eyebrows furrowing, feeling a bit awkward.

But she doesn't say anything, just gestures towards the dressing room.

Yilan smiles, "Wanna try them on?"

Jiani shakes her head.

Yilan gives her a weird look, receiving all these expensive, pretty clothes, bags, and jewelry, any girl would be thrilled, but she's got this blank expression, no hint of excitement.

Later on, Mr. Fu comes up, finds Jiani still in the same position. If Yilan were here, she'd notice she hasn't moved an inch.

Mr. Fu clears his throat.

Jiani turns to him, slips off the chair, stands up, "Mr. Fu."

He hands her a new phone, already set up with a SIM card.

Jiani takes it, the screen lighting up with a paused video, someone familiar on the screen, her cousin, Shuyao, crying. It's like she's seen a ghost, watching her cousin's awkward, tear-streaked face for a few seconds before turning it off.

Her intention was to scare Shuyao, make her experience the fear and humiliation of being in this situation, not actually ruin her reputation.

Mr. Fu's people knew when to stop, just a scare, nothing more.

"Thank you," Jiani murmurs.

Mr. Fu grunts, glancing towards the dressing room, "Did the clothes fit?"

Jiani hesitates, not sure how to explain. Those brands, she can tell just by a glance how much they cost, any random piece could be worth tens of thousands. His generosity seems too much, almost unreal.

After a long pause, Jiani finally speaks up, "I didn't try them on."

"Why not?"

Jiani struggles to put her feelings into words, those brands scream luxury, and his generosity seems excessive, almost unreal.

After a long pause, Jiani finally speaks up, "I didn't try them on."

"Why not?"

Jiani struggles to articulate her thoughts, those brands are so expensive, she can tell just by looking at them. And those accessories and bags? All luxury items. His kindness feels overwhelming, almost surreal.

After a long pause, Jiani finally speaks up, "I didn't try them on."

"Why not?"

Jiani doesn't know how to describe her feelings, those things, she can guess their prices with just a glance, even picking one item randomly could cost tens of thousands. His kindness feels too much, it doesn't seem real.

Jiani remains silent for a while, gripping the new phone, before typing "Dongke" into the search bar. Information about Dongke pops up, a subsidiary of Junshan Group located in Yicheng, specializing in medical equipment.

The chairman of Junshan Group is named Fu, with three sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Fu Zhengyun, married a woman from the Wei family in Beicheng. The two had a child before marriage, then twins after marriage, followed by a son

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