On the road...again

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"Is this everybody?" Rick asked the small group. The sun was just beginning to rise and they were missing a few members. Everyone that was there was spread out across the road, checking if anyone had bites. "Where's Andrea?" He glanced at the sorrowful faces. 

  T-dog cleared his throat. "I saw her go down."

 Another one gone.

"Hershels wife?" He tried.

"Bitten." Maggie answered blandly. "She got bitten." 

 "Jimmy?" Beth joined in. "Where's he?"

 "Went down in the RV." Rick informed her. "He was trying to help Carl and I get out of the barn."

 "Shane?" Lori asked.

"Turned." Rick growled, tone souring. 

Lori placed a hand on his shoulder. "How about we count who we got instead of who we lost? Think on the positive side?" 

  Rick swept her hand away. "Fine."

She swallowed her hurt and walked over to Carol instead. 

"T-dog, Carol, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, Hershel, Daryl, Lori, Carl, and me." He finished too quickly. "That's all of us." 

T-dog stared at the road.

Carol wiped away her tears. 

Maggie hugged her father and sister. 

Carl glared at the ground. 

"Wait, what happened to Diana?" Glenn asked Daryl.

  Carl interrupted before the sulking hunter could answer. "What? What do you mean?"

  "You didn't tell them yet?" Glenn ignored the little boy nearly bouncing up and down in anticipation. 

  "Tell us what?" Rick asked, very concerned. 

  "We found Diana in the woods!" Glenn exclaimed, only to clarify, "Alive!"

The whole group was practically thrown into chaos as people began speaking over each other. 

"Where was she?"

"I thought Randall killed her?"

"Shane lied?"

"What happened to her?"

"Where'd she go!"

"Is she okay?"

"Why isn't she here?"

Rick ended it before it could get too out of hand. "Hey! Enough!" He turned to Daryl and Glenn. "Explain." He pointed between them. "I don't care who, just tell me what's goin' on." 

  "Found her in a tree." Daryl spoke up, cleaning one of his arrows. "Shane shot her in the leg. We got 'er down and fixed 'er up. I had her on my bike, gettin' ready to leave when we saw the barn on fire." He nodded his head over to Sophia's mother. "She saw Carol. I told 'er we didn't have enough room. And.. and that dumbass just jumped off!" He shoved the arrow back in the holder. "Woulda gone back, but there's a lotta walkers." 

  Rick glanced out at the road leading back to the farm. "You see her go down?" 

  "Nah. Saw her climb a tree." Daryl answered. "Why, ya think we should go back?" 

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