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The CDC was not what Diana had expected.


She didn't know what she had expected at all.

The RV and other vehicles pulled up about thirty feet from the CDC.

  "Let's make this quick." Dale muttered. "There's bodies everywhere."

    He was right.

  They quickly filed out of the cramped vehicle.

  "Every kid grab a hand." Rick ordered quietly. "We're not losin' anybody today."

Sophia clung to Carol and Lori snatched Carl.

Diana tried to protest but stopped before she could begin, silently reaching for Glenn's outstretched hand.

The group darted quickly toward the large white building in the center, stepping between bodies that may or may not be dead.

They were in trouble if all the bodies were walkers.

Diana jumped away when a woman walker on the ground raised her head to watch the new meals.

"Can't we go faster?" She hissed to Glenn. "They're gonna get us."

Why hadn't they parked closer?

"We don't want to make more noise." The dark haired Korean glanced behind them nervously.

She glanced back, the walker pulling itself to its knees. "We don't want to die either."

She shoved him lightly, panic building up in her lungs.

They approached the CDC, Rick attempting to open the metal doors on arrival.

They were locked.

He banged on the door, more walkers waking up. "Is there anyone in there?" He slammed his fist in it. "Anyone at all?"

What did he think was gonna happen? Did he think a walker would open the door for them?


"We need help!"

Diana shook her head.

Of course there was no one.

Why would there be?

If she were a scientist she would have booked it as soon as possible.

Shane places a hand on Ricks shoulder. "Come on, man, there's no one here." He tried to pull him away but Rick shrugged him off.

"No we're not leaving just yet. We came all this way for a reason!"

Diana turned, the jittery feeling in her heart increasing speed when she saw five walkers stumbling their way.

Rick banged his palm against the metal harder. "Come on! Someone has to be in there."

"Rick no one is in there! They're gone! We have to go!" Lori took her husbands hand. "The RV is the safest plan!"

Rick sighed, almost turning away before he spotted it.

It was just a twitch.

Just a bit.

Barely even a nudge.

But it moved.

The small gray camera in the corner moved.

"The camera!" Rick charged toward it. "It turned!"

Diana rolled her eyes.

He was probably speaking from nerves.

Lori huffed in frustration. "Rick. No it didn't!" She tried to pull him away. "It was your imagination!"

I hate you (Daryls daughter/ Carl love story)Where stories live. Discover now