Round 2

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Hey guys! Sorry lol I haven't been working on this story for a while XD

There's a reason though! One, my iPad was having issues and I couldn't figure out how to make the website work :/ but I found out how to use it on my laptop!

Another, I've been doing summer classes and they SUCK. I mean it, my counselor didn't tell me that they were AP classes and they last five hours every day.

And, lastly, I was away at summer camp for a while! It was really fun and I had such an amazing time! I've been going there every year since second grade but I couldn't go last year because of covid. Man, I'm getting old. All the kids I knew used to be sniveling little second graders and now they all have boobs and beards it's so strange. And now we're all gonna work there next year!

So that's why I haven't been writing so much. And, unfortunately, there's gonna be a few more things interfereing.

1.still got those summer classes

2. my cousin is getting married!

3. babysitting my little siblings

Also I'm considering making a tik tok video about Glenn and Diana with the sound "I'm gonna be just like you" but the distorted one. I think the TWD veterans already know how it would end :p

I'm still doing my best though! So here's the next chapter!


Diana almost wished fake Negan was back in the room with her. Anyone but the governor would work. Even her mom at this point would be less awful. Well... maybe that was a bit too far.

He strode toward her.

Maybe if she shut her eyes... pretended it wasn't happening...

It wasn't going to happen again.

Not again not again not again.

She scrunched her nose and shuddered when a floor board creaked as he got closer.

Not again.

Not again.

Not again.

The governor gripped her shoulder tightly and pulled her up.

Her eyes flew open.

His hands weren't hovering over her skin.

No this was different.

Was he taking her somewhere?

Was he finally going to end her?

Was he gonna feed her to a walker?

"Get up." He ordered as she found her way to her feet.

She wanted to glare at him. She wanted to spit out every insult her parents forbid her from using. She wanted to yell and scream... but the fight inside her was fizzled out. She couldn't bite out any more words without her teeth chattering.

  To avoid making a mess of herself, she clamped her mouth shut and did as asked.

What was wrong with her.

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