chapter 26

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Hello :"D

"W-When did..." Started Avdol as the enemy Stand removed Jean's goggles.

"Th-That bastard." Grumbled Jotaro. "It's going to go in through his mouth and tear him apart! This is bad! You've got to drain the room."

"It's too late for that." you spoke, "She has been waiting for this moment "

Jotaro brought out Star Platinum and. tried to grab for the Stand but barely missed as it went fully inside Polnareff. "C-Crap." You could see it bulging through his throat.

"Hierophant Green!" Shouted Kakyoin while at the same time Joseph called out his Stand. They entered in through Polnareff's nostrils.

"I got it before it went down his throat, Kakyoin!" Yelled the Joestar.

"Me, too!" Responded the red head. "Let's force it out before it transforms!" The combination of green and purple tendrils wrapped around the metallic hair ball and pushed it out of the French man's mouth.

"Alright, keep hold of it." Ordered Jotaro as he swam over, bringing out his Stand. He was too slow though, as the enemy transformed once again, this time into a speargun.

"Emerald Splash!" Hierophant went in on the attack flinging the array of green gems towards the weapon.

You brought out susanoo and he blocked the spear with his katana upon it firing.  "Quick, it's reloading!" You shouted via susanoo .

Santana then come out and grabbed your hands and placed them around his neck for you to hold on to as he swam through the open hatch. The others followed quickly after you. They didn't want to spend another moment in the Submarine. Joseph was the last one out and shut the hatch close on the enemy.

"Th-That was close..." Mumbled Kakyoin.

"It's too soon to relax." Spoke Joseph. "The bastard knew exactly how to hit us where it hurts."

You put a hand on the French man's shoulder, "Jean, are you alright?" this time using Santana speaking for you .

Polnareff gave your Stand a confused look as he adjusted his regulator, "I-I'm fine..." He shifted his gaze to look at everyone, "You guys saved me. Merci beaucoup."

You all got on your way through the ocean. Everyone swimming with their flippers while you were being pull by susanoo and Santana with your hand around their neck .Polnareff then spoke while looking at you, "The sea floor is so beautiful, almost as much as you."

Santana spoke up to give your response, "thank you I already know I'm beautiful" Polnareff furrowed his eyebrows in confusion again until he actually realized what was going on.

"This is no time to take it easy." Reminded Joseph. "We must surface before our oxygen runs out."

"Will it comes after us?" Asked Kakyoin.

Avdol looked back in the direction you all came from, "I can't see that happening. The High Priestess can transform into metals and glass, but she can't become fish, water, or sea foam."

"We should probably watch our backs anyways." Started wammu who had suddenly come out, "Knowing our luck, it'll probably find a way to follow us." The wind pillar swam closely to you who were clinging to susanoo and Santana " are you alright (y/n)"

You nodded , "but I'm hungry though and cold... Can you tell venomse to prepare food for me later? "

He nodded and disappear together with Santana and replaced by esidisi by your side warming you up.

Avdol pointed in front of all of you, "Look, it's a sea tunnel."

Joseph looked at his Fathometer, "Our depth is seven meters."

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