chapter 41

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(。ŏ_ŏ) This chapter is kinda boring..

You were about to jump off with Susanoo to catch up with Joseph . when you heard Jotaro calling out to you from the street below with a motorcycle near him.

"(Y/N), need a lift?" He brought out Star Platinum and motioned for you to jump. Polnareff waved up at you, while Hajun just stood there🕴.

You lifted the limp body of Kakyoin into their view, "Um, do any of you know a safe spot where we could keep Noriaki until the fight is over?"

Polnareff  let out a gasp , "Don't tell me... He's dead ?"

You shook your head, "No, he's just passed out and he might have a concussion. He's figured out Dio's limit, though. He can stop time for around five seconds." You wanted to hop off with Kakyoin but afraid that the impact of the fall will injure him so Susanoo stopped being your armour and carefully lowered Kakyoin until he could be passed off safely to Polnareff. With a little hop off the building you were caught by the ridiculously strong arms of Star Platinum.

Jotaro mumbled something to himself, seemingly deep in thought, "Five seconds... That's not that long at all. Perhaps if I made my Stand move even faster, he too could exceed the speed of time itself..."

Polnareff gave Kakyoin a sorrowful look , "I'll find a place for him and meet up with the rest of you as soon as possible."

" I'll follow Jean Pierre Polnareff." Spoke Hajun as he shifted into Polnareff shadow.

"don't get lost on the way back." you said to both of them.

The French man gave a thumbs up and ran off as you were placed on the motorcycle behind Jotaro by his Stand. You wrapped your arms around him from behind in preparation for what would likely be a pretty crazy ride.

You thought it was a dumb question but you asked anyway.
"JoJo, do you know how to ride a motorcycle?" Your question was barely audible as Jotaro flipped the ignition switch.

"Yare Yare. We made it over here just fine, didn't we?" He twisted the handlebar grip and sped along the streets of the city.

Jotaro made a rather sharp turn and quickly slammed down the break lever upon seeing Joseph lying flat on the pavement in front of the outdoor seating area of some sort of fast food place. You both ditched the motorcycle as you started to rush over to Joseph . He seemed a bit wounded and the people at the restaurant were just laughing at him as he managed to pry himself off the ground.

"Old man!" Shouted Jotaro as he slowed down upon coming towards a cross walk.

Joseph held his hand out in front of him, "Both of you, stay back! Quick!  don't come near me!"

Your eyes narrowed as Dio descended to the ground behind him, you didn't know why you were suddenly feeling mad really mad. You had already seen this in the show, so why did you feels mad . A cat minding its own business hissed in terror upon noticing the vampire's presence. "The World!"

A knife had suddenly embedded itself in Joseph's throat, blood spraying out as he collapsed back onto the ground. In front of him now stood Dio in all of his vampiric glory.

"Old man!"

Shouted Jotaro . You were frozen in place looking at Joseph shocked  as your heart beat quickening .

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