chapter 44 parting way

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I'm in tears I finally finished this sdc story hnggggggg 😭 started on December 27/2021..end July 29/2023.

You, Joseph, and Jotaro stood outside amidst the desert, watching the rays of light peak through along the horizon, bathing the Earth in its warm glow. In front of you laid the body of Dio Brando in an unzipped body bag. The moment the sunlight hit him, every bit of him was reduced to ash, including his strange apparel.

"Now its over." Spoke Joseph, "So many people lent something to Dio. Many people for the last hundred years. They lent him everything."

You nodded along , "Most of which can never be returned. Too many things and people that we couldn't possibly hope to replace."

"But it's because of them that the rest of us live." Mumbled Joseph,

Jotaro gazed into the distance, "It's finally over."

A pair of strong arms embraced you
from behind, settling around your waist. You leaned back into their hold, yearning for comfort in a time such as this. But Jotaro was right, at least all of this was over.

You turned around to look at who was holding you, expecting to be met with one of your stand . However, it was a yellow translucent being zawarudo. You looked at it confused thinking didn't you have to meet them first before they can go out?. Then you took in more of your surroundings, you noticed something else that was peculiar. Everything around you had seemed to stop its motion entirely.

Not Jotaro, though, who immediately used his time stop to have Star Platinum try and slam his fist into Za Warudo innocent face. Kars came out quickly to absorb most of the blow with his arm in an x motion , you felt the pain a little and sweat dropped thinking if the blow connected to Za Warudo it wouldn't come out well for your pretty face.

"Woah chill! He's my stand now.." You tried to calm down the highschool student as you hide behind kars.

"You .." Started Jotaro ,he didn't like Za Warudo since it reminded him of the vampire he then went in for another attack, only to freeze mid stride as his stopped time seconds ran out.

Kars scoffed looking down at the Kujo, "You fools! If you hurt the stand you'll hurt her too! " He scoffed and waved his hand through his hair, " if you tried to attack (y/n) again you'll be facing me...But you have to taste the pain you give earlier! " He rubbed his arm that took the blow from Star Platinum , immediately he went to strike the frozen Jotaro only to fade away.

You let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding as time began to flow normally, " man I hope he's not mad I did that.. " You started to rub your temples, attempting to dissipate the growing headache, "He's going to be a pain to repress for now..." you could feel kars trying to get out to hit Jotaro.

Za warudo stayed floating beside you.

Joseph cocked his head to the side, "Why ? What happened? Also is that Dio stand? "

Jotaro tilted his hat , "Kars. Kars want to hurt me because I tried to attack The world."

Joseph looked terrified, "Oh, my god! Then what do we do now?!"

You wave of their worry , " it's fine I'll try to make it up to him later , maybe a treat or some sort of reward that would please him ." you shrugged feeling the persistent kars stopped fighting to get out and calmed down, you just know he was looking forward for the reward.

You folded your arms and unsummon ZA Warudo , " Now that was taken care off . I have to take a ride over to Dio's mansion for his diary. "

Joseph nodded along, "Right, right. Take Jotaro with you, though. Just in case. I'll head over to the hospital and check on the others."

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