chapter 58

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Ayyo where is reader PipBernadotteHusband 😭I needed to see their breakdown before I decided to kill off Keicho ,since they seem to have attachment on every character ....

He's still alive in this chapter but I might off him on the next chapter..

You had decided to take N'doul and Anubis out the next day, and as for Iggy he refused to came along as he just wanted to sleep considering how old he is now. So you had put some food in the fridge that Venomse had prepared for the dog to eat if he was hungry.

Taking the sword above the TV you walked out of the house with N'doul. You had make a hook or some sort on your waist for the sword, and you were sure nobody would ask why were you bringing a sword so casually, since nobody had asked why you haven't aged after living in morioh for twelve years.

Dio is in your pocket as always, and you just couldn't wait to meet Rohan and make him do something about it using heaven door, you thought.

As for now you and N'doul were waiting outside Josuke's school as the bell rang. You were simply being an excuse to defense them from Keicho and his Stand arrow, though you weren't complaining the slightest.

N'doul pocked your shoulder, "(Y/N) we are being watched ". Taking a quick look at your surroundings you noticed a boy around Koichi's height with shoulder length dark hair and several belts along his uniform. But even when you caught him staring, he didn't look away. You waved at him, just to see if he really was looking at you, and he slowly stepped out from behind the tree. And upon seeing him fully, you knew who he was.

"I-I heard you liked reading Pink Dark Boy..." The kid seemed nervous. "I like to read it, too."

Although somewhat concerned that he knew that about you, as you didn't think Koichi or Josuke were the type of people to share that with the rest of the school, you decided to maintain a friendly approach, "Oh, um, that's cool. I guess we have something in common, then.."

"Hazamada." He spoke quickly, as you nodded unsurprised, "That's my name. Toshikazu Hazamada. You are (Y/N), right? And that is..? " he asked pointing to the blind man.

"Yeah I'm (Y/N)... And that's is N'doul." Hazamada in front of you get quite a few disgusted and mistrusting looks from other students that left the school. Then Josuke and Koichi walked out the gate together, the former waving you over. "Well, I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you around, Hazamada. Bye." You pulled N'doul with you as you walked over to the Higashikata's side.

And you then introduced the blind man to Koichi, telling that N'doul was your roommate and had already meet with Josuke before . And as for the sword you just tell them you wanted to try deference style today making them thought it was a fake sword and didn't question anything further.

As the four of you headed towards Josuke's house, he stopped to wave at the deformed rock, "Yo, Anjuro."

You then nudged N'doul and whispered to him, "this is Anjuro, he used to be uhh not a stone and have the water stand like you but he's kinda a noobies tho can't even break away from a rubber glove. " seeing his confused expression you pulled him by hand making him touch the stone. "this is Anjuro" you said letting go of his hand.

He nodded as he traced his palm on the rock surface, " hey, Anjuro, you would be a formidable opponent if you weren't a stone.. "

Koichi slowed down to a stop, "Uh... huh? Hey, was this rock always here?"

You nodded, "Yup, but it looks a bit different now than it did before."

"Before?" Koichi seemed confused but then gave a wave of his own, "Well, whatever. Yo, Anjuro..." The four of you continued your stroll, "By the way, what happened to Jotaro?"

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