chapter 55

120 8 45

Sup everyone? Doing good? Mental okay? Eating healthy? Great!

"And so, eventually, you're gonna get a third of the old man's inheritance. I showed up here to tell you that. The whole Joestar residence is in chaos since the old man's affair came to light."

Josuke's eyes widened, "It's in chaos?!"

Jotaro had a faint smile on his face, "They've been married 61 years and I've never seen Suzie Q be angrier."

Josuke bowed down to Jotaro, "I-I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I've caused such a fuss!"

You gently patted his back, "Hey, don't worry about it. It's not your fault. There's no need to apologize."

Josuke cupped his face with one hand, "But, um, causing trouble in a family isn't any good. My mother told me that she was in love when she gave birth to me. I accept that, too. Could you tell, uh, my dad, um... Mr. Joestar, I mean, that he doesn't have to worry about us? That's all."

A group of girls walked down the street and started shouting, interrupting any response you may have had.

"Hey! Josuke!"

"How are you?"

"Talk about a coincidence!"

You chuckled by Josuke side, and about to teased him about it but were quickly shoved aside by one of the girls by elbowing your nose. You could feel Dio trying to pop out his head from your chest pocket, making him get a slight burn on his cheek so you stopped time using Za Warudo.

You could feel the same burn on your cheek as you covered him with your hand. "What are you doing Dio? You'll get hurt faster in this small form get back in. " you said shoving him back into the pocket.

Kars hovered next to the girl who had elbowed your nose. "What should I do to her? It's obvious she doesn't have any respect or decency. I could probably just throw her into some garbage bin and no one would know."

Dio popped his head back out and pointed towards Jotaro with a scowl , "Well, Jotaro might realize what happened if you do that." he said as you shoved him back again into the pocket.

Kars gave his attention back to you, leaning close to your face, "Or, how about I kiss your boo-boo instead. Make it all better?"

"oh that would be much appreciated . Kars." you chuckled as you healed the burn on your face and Dio face. Only leaving the injury on your nose.

Kars also chuckled to himself, as he let himself disappear and  Za Warudo who had been floating behind you had time resume again.

Josuke rushed over to you, "Oh my god! (Y/N), are you okay?! That looked like it hurt..."

You just laughed it off, "Yup, I'm fine. I'm sure she didn't mean to do it on purpose." You narrowed your eyes at your attacker and she shifted uncomfortably from head to toe.

"Yeah, It was definitely an accident!"

"She was probably too distracted by your awesome hair, Josuke."

"Then, um, could you all please leave?" Josuke adjusted his bag along his shoulder, "I'm kind of in the middle of something important right now."

"Awe! Why?"

"If you don't hurry you'll be late."

Jotaro was obviously becoming quite
annoyed, "Josuke, tell the girls to go run along. You can have your stupid talk about hair later."

Josuke dropped his bag and the purple aura engulfed him once again. You sighed knowing what about to happen .

He turned around and cocked his head toward the Kujo, "You bastard... What were you saying about my hair, huh?!" Jotaro tensed up, ready for a fight as Josuke slunk towards him. Before Crazy Diamond could take form, Star Platinum punched him in the face, knocking him back. You caught him and set him back upright as the other girls screamed and squealed.

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