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Thursday the 7th of September

Percy pulls into the driveway and I smile as I jump into the front seat. He offered to drive me home yesterday, but it didn't feel right until I was stuck on a bus which made too many stops.

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to return the favour."

"You can pick a song." He tosses his phone onto my lap and grins. I consider a few songs before picking Rapunzel by Drapht.

He cocks his head to the side as I turn the volume up. Percy taps his fingers to the beat, then nods his head.

"It's interesting."

"You mean amazing," I correct.

"Gee, I'm sorry." Percy laughs.

I play some of their other music before we arrive at school. He swerves into a parking spot and we saunter inside.

Percy hangs with a group of guys while I veer in the opposite direction in search of my locker. I'm getting the hang of this, but it's only taken me two days and three lost maps.

I shove a majority of my books into the small cubical before rushing to homeroom. My bag is light which is nice, I hated having to cart my books to classes in Australia.

The bell rings as I wander into the classroom. I find a seat at the back and half listen to the string of announcements. I mostly scribble on the inside of my English notebook.

Once homeroom is over, people scatter but I remain for English.

Percy enters the classroom and takes a seat on the other side of the room.

"Charlie, over here." Percy waves to a free spot beside him.

I consider ignoring him because I like my spot at the back of the classroom, but I grab my things and move to the other desk.

The teacher coughs and some people look at him. He writes our tasks on the chalkboard, then sits behind the desk. I've already read the book, so I fill the questions and let Percy copy them.

Percy grows restless and tosses a pen at the brunette in front of us. She turns around and scowls at Percy.

"I'm keeping your pen." She glares.

"Have you met Charlie?"

"No, but hi." She doesn't look amused, but follows along.

"She's new, so you should invite her to try out for the cheerleading team. You need new faces on that team and last year's intake sucked."

The girl looks at me and asks, "Do you have any experience?"

"I'm sorry about him, but I'm not interested."

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