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March 2020

The glow of the warm sun heats my skin as I lounge across a deck chair. The sea gently rocks the boat as we cross the open waters. We've only spent a couple of days on the cruise boat and it's enough to convince me to buy a boat house. Oh, the adventures we could have.

I glance at the deck and smile as Noah comes into view. He weaves between the crowd with our drinks in hand. The sun glisters off his wet, muscular chest, and I drink in the view with a bright smile.

He places the drinks on the table and sits on the chair adjacent to me. I grab the strawberry cocktail and take a long sip. It's tangy and very alcoholic. I return it to the table and fling my arms above my head.

"Oh, I could easily get used to this." I chuckle.

"You do know there's waiters who can bring our drinks over," Noah comments.

"Yes, but they aren't sexy and they aren't my husband." I wink.

"Oh, okay." Noah's frown turns into a smile.

"Would you like to join me in the pool?"

Noah's eyes trail down to my white bikini, then he eagerly nods.

"Let's finish our drinks first otherwise the ice will melt and they won't taste as nice."

"Fair enough." I nod.

Once we've finished our cocktails, I dip my toe into the warm water before jumping in. I sink to the bottom before paddling up to get a breath of air. Noah slides into the water and paddles across to me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his lips to mine. We dip under the water until Noah manages to keep us afloat.

"Can we take a cruise once a year? Open waters, cocktails, and all you can eat buffets." I sigh dreamily.

"Perhaps until we decide to have children. I don't know if a cruise boat is the safest option for a curious toddler."

"Children already, Noah? Don't you want to see the world first?"

"We can take them on adventures too." He smiles.

"You're right." I nod.

"Perhaps in the next year, we could think a little more about it. We still need to settle into the house and do the renovations it needs before we actually have a child."

"I would like to have some of my studies done before I have a baby. I wouldn't have much time to study between nappies and classes."

"We'll have each other, you won't be in this alone."

"It's kind of cute that you're clucky." I grin.

Noah pulls me close to hide the blush on his face.

"I love you baby," I whisper.

* * * * *

Our hotel in New Delhi is vibrant, beautiful, spacious and full of nature. Noah's parents must have paid a fortune for us to spend the week here. Our view of the city is mesmerising and makes me miss the apartment in Australia, which is funny, because for so long, it felt like a beautiful cage.

For our last night in New Delhi, we're spending it at the hotel which is a nice break from our busy week. Tonight is a candlelit dinner held on the terrace, which is covered in plants which has a jungle like vibe with the billowing fabric.

"I wish we weren't leaving tomorrow." I pout.

"While I'm excited to finish unpacking the house and finally settle into our new home, I'll miss this beautiful place. We've seen so much, yet so little." He sighs.

"Promise we'll come back soon?"

"We can." Noah smiles. "There's many more temples to visit and buildings to explore. Plus I really enjoy the food here. We should have booked some cooking classes."

The waiter arrives with our food and places it on the table.

"Namaste." He smiles before slipping away.

Noah grins while I shake my head.

"Are you sure you want to try your favourite curry? What happens if the place back in America can't cook it as well here?" I tilt my head to the side.

"I'll finally learn to cook."

Noah spoons some curry into his mouth and his eyes go wide. I burst with laughter while he fans his face. Sweat trickles down his forehead and his cheeks burn red.

"Looks like you're just as basic as me." I giggle.

"I love it but damn, that's hot."

"Are we still getting cooking lessons?"

"I think they just poured the whole spice cupboard into this dish."

"I bet the owners will be happy to see you back in their restaurant."

"And I'll be happy to see them." He nods.

I bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. Noah fans his face and has some yogurt. I guess we won't be frequenting India which is a shame because this place is growing on me.

 I guess we won't be frequenting India which is a shame because this place is growing on me

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