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Tuesday, the 13th of February

Maddison brings three cocktail jugs to the table and Percy's eye widens. She pouts fruit tingle into three glasses and nudges them towards us. I polish off the first drink just to kick the edge of sharing a table with these two.

I can see they want to fall back into their more than friendship routine, but I also know the pair are afraid of getting hurt. Loving somebody who lives in another country and in another time zone is a complication they don't know how to deal with.

"How's your vacation going?" I ask.

"Noah and I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge yesterday. The view from the top is amazing, Charlie. It's a shame you couldn't come."

"Please don't remind me." I frown. "Dad thought it would be a good idea to stay with my aunties and all they've done is complain about the move to America and the fact I might be attending college there."

"I take it you were close to your aunties?"

"Somewhat close. I think I remind them of my mother which is why they're so attached."

"It's only Tuesday, you have time to convince them college is a wonderful idea or surfing is the pathway for you. So many decisions to make." Percy grimaces. "So many people to please."

"Don't remind me of the pressures. It's supposed to be my vacation time and I intend to enjoy some, if not most of it."

"Let's have another drink then." Maddison pours another round of drinks and we're both quick to empty our small glasses. I wish these glasses were bigger.

"Is Noah coming?" Mads smiles.

"He's busy or still tired from yesterday," I answer.

"I'm happy to spend time away from Uncle Noah. Did he tell you about the coffee barista that hit on him? I have an American accent too." Percy frowns.

"Oh Percy, don't be jealous. You're young and attractive, just stand on the beach with a surfboard and you'll have anyone you want."

"Anyone?" Percy's eyes linger on her and she squirms.

"Someone." She glances away.

He takes another drink before resting the glass on the table. I tap my fingers against the wood table and stare at the beautiful sunset in the background.

Maddison and I used to come to this pub all the time after surfing, now I'm a little scared after this encounter.

"We should order food before it's too busy." I pass them menus and we settle into a semi-awkward silence that I can live with.

I pick some sides and more cocktail jugs because we all need some liquor to loosen us up.

* * * * *

I double-check the message and the door I'm about to knock on because I'd die of embarrassment if I knocked on a stranger's door. Seconds later, Noah appears and I sigh with relief.

His lips capture mine and I wrap my arms around his neck. Noah pulls me into the room and presses me against the closed door. I twirl my fingers through his hair and gently yank on it.

"I've missed you," he mumbles.

"I think this is the longest we've been a part in a while."

"I don't like it." He playfully frowns.

"You should have come to dinner then." I poke his sides and he takes my wrists and tugs me in for another bear hug. "I was the third wheel after those two had a couple of drinks. I think I crashed their romantic stroll on the beach."

"Does that mean they've decided to make the long-distance work? Maddison has been a good influence on Percy."

"I doubt." I frown. "I would love my two best friends to be together. Those two looked so happy when Maddison visited and today on the beach."

"Perhaps they'll work it out in the future? Percy is planning on moving to Australia or who knows what'll happen in the future."

"I hope so." I smile.

"Until then, I have something for you. It's the reason I didn't come to dinner."

"You have me intrigued Mr. East." I grin.

I walk further into the hotel room and look around.

"I can't wait until I can call you Mrs. East."

"You have to ask me to marry you first." I laugh.

Noah wraps his arm around my waist and his warm breath tickles my ear.

"Don't tempt me, Charlie."

He leads me to the bedroom and there's a trail of roses petals across the bed and into the bathroom. The bathtub is filled with bubbles and more petals. There's candles around the tub, champagne and a punnet of strawberries.

"I love this."

"I know it's a cliché, but it's something you should experience at least once in your lifetime."

"You're amazing, Noah, I love you."

"I love you." He plants a kiss on my cheek.

Noah removes his t-shirt and I trail my fingers over his chest. He pulls at my shirt and I fiddle with the buttons on his jeans. Our clothes are tossed to the side and we slip into the warm bath.

He pours the champagne and hands me a flute. It's a little funny tasting, but I love this man and this entire experience.

I place the glass aside and cup Noah's face. He kisses my nose and I move to kiss his lips. It deepens as he nibbles on my lower lip. He grips my thighs and tugs me closer. I straddle his waist and wrap my arms around his neck.

His hands roam my body and I reveal in the foggy cloud that overcomes me. There is nobody else who could make me feel this way.

 There is nobody else who could make me feel this way

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