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Thursday the 2nd of November

Noah pushes Percy's out of the office and slams the door in his face. He laughs with George who says something which makes him laugh harder.

I slide my project to the side and wander over to Percy and George.

"What are you two laughing about?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't want to come to school, so I went to Uncle Noah's house to hide from my mother and I interrupted him in the middle of hanging out with his female friend."

"Why's that so funny?" I frown.

"Because he was embarrassed but it. It's also karma since he ruined my chance with you."

Would he laugh more if he realised I was the lady friend hiding in the bedroom? I think that's a full circle of karma.

"I regret asking about it. Nobody wants to hear about their teacher's sex life."

Percy shrugs and chuckles.

"Moving on from that topic . . . I want to host a party before I go on vacation to Australia. Should I host something at my house or have lunch somewhere?"

"How about pizza and movies at your house?"

"Okay." I nod.

"I'm excited for this." Percy smiles.

The office door flies open and Noah storms across the room and slaps a pink detention slip on Percy's desk.

"Being my nephew doesn't give you special treatment, Percy."

"I can't believe you're giving me detention, it was a joke."

"What happens outside of work remains outside of work. You crossed the line."

Noah returns to the office while Percy rips the paper in half and tosses it over his shoulder. His phone buzzes and Percy glares at the screen.

"He told my mother I skipped school yesterday and now I'm grounded. What an asshole."

Percy storms out of the room and I chase after him.

"Charlie go back otherwise you'll get in trouble."

"You're upset, Percy."

"Please Charlie, go away, I want to be alone."

"I think you need somebody to talk to."

We reach the oval and sit under the trees. He stares off into the distance while I awkwardly grip on the seat, unsure of what to do.

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