Chapter 82: Slap in the face!

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Even the jury did not expect that the daily exams of the marshal and Ye Chen's team were so leisurely. They stared dumbfounded at the video enlarged on the screen, and always felt sore and toothache. How could these two people be so carefree? sticky? !

Song Yuan looked at the same expression that he had seen on the faces of all the people present, and expressed his understanding of them, but he still cleared his throat and looked at the members of the jury with a serious face: "Everyone can see clearly, in our When the captain captured the central stronghold, the marshal temporarily left the team because another candidate had an accident and sent him for treatment. That is to say, all the strongholds we captured did not involve the marshal. You can summon the candidate who was sent away by the marshal to confront him."

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhao Jie meaningfully and added: "Compared to such innocuous things as pulling the Marshal to catch fish, such things as highly toxic smoke bombs mixed in the examination room should be thoroughly punished." Check it out?"

Zhao Jie was trembling with anger at the content of the video. If her injury had healed, she might have been unable to control herself and wanted to get up and tear Ye Chen to pieces! Hearing Ye Chen mention the smoke bomb all of a sudden, she felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head, and she suddenly calmed down a lot. He lowered his head and said coldly: "Even if you didn't cheat, it's true that you seriously injured me. What excuse do you have to deny it?"

That's right, she doesn't care about Ye Chen cheating at all, as long as she can realize that the other party intentionally hurt herself, and the common people intentionally harm the royal family, she must let him give him the most severe punishment!

In the empire, the status between civilians and nobles cannot be overridden. If nobles hurt civilians, they may only need to pay some money. However, if civilians hurt nobles, as long as the noble wants to pursue it, they can even be sentenced More than five years, not to mention that Ye Chen injured members of the royal family.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jie looked up at Ye Chen, showing a triumphant smile, even if he is innocent, in the empire, everything is biased towards the royal family, and she is the real reason!

Xingwang live broadcast platform——"I'm sorry! What does Zhao Jie mean? After watching the video of Ye Mowang, it is clear that she provoked first, so why should my Ye Mowang take the blame? That's right, I am now my Ye Mowang's iron fan Come on, don't let anyone stop me!"

"You can't say that. After all, Princess Zhao is a member of the royal family. Ye Mowang is just a commoner. The laws of the empire are always biased towards the royal family. However, they attacked each other during the exam. Princess Zhao said it herself. Bumps and bumps are inevitable, and it is too low-handed to turn around and falsely accuse Ye Mowang at this moment, and I strongly request the court to maintain a fair and just judgment!"

"It's over. Article 384, Paragraph 4 of the Imperial Law stipulates that if a civilian seriously injures a member of the royal family, any situation that endangers the life of a member of the royal family, and if the circumstances are serious, shall be punished with death. Zhao Jie is relying on the protection of the royal family to be confident." , Pity my Ye Mowang" "Damn! My vast empire relies on marshals to fight wars, and the people's livelihood depends on parliament, so what is the use of the royal family? Not only useless, but also such low morals, why should we support them!"

"Be careful to be banned upstairs! Hey, I hope Ye Mowang is safe and sound." Since the video came out, Starnet has almost overwhelmingly moved closer to Ye Chen's camp, but Zhao Jie's injury report clearly proved that her injuries were indeed serious. Life was in danger, and under the circumstances at that time, if Zhao Jie's teammates hadn't stopped her in time, Ye Chen might really have killed Zhao Jie, as several of her teammates can testify.

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