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i don't believe it.

i tried to. i tried to believe what you were selling, and i almost did because i thought i should just do what you think is best. just let go of everything inside me that was telling me otherwise.

but i'm sorry.. i don't believe it. i can see though you so easily.. like glass. when are you going to learn you can't just put up this front of being all powerful and mean? you don't think i know you well enough? how has that worked in the past? you're just hurting yourself..

that's not what your eyes said. i saw what you were looking at, how you looked at me. i practically heard what you were thinking.. because i was thinking it too. but what came out of your mouth sometimes was the opposite. so it doesn't add up, not at all.

i don't think you're telling me all of the truth. you're still hiding something. something deeper that you're just afraid to admit? maybe you don't even fully comprehend it and that's why you won't tell me.. but it's hurting you.. hurting us so i just want to know the truth. and if that's not the case, then there's still something in the back of your mind and heart that calls out for me and you're just choosing to deny it because you think you've already put your foot down and it's too late to look back? you have to force yourself to go through with this..? why force? why fight what you feel.. what is it really?

i won't give up.. i can't now. i'm sorry.. i know that's not what you want to hear.. but this means more to me than you'll ever understand. hopefully someday you will.


it's just the truth.. my truth. and i want yours desperately.

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